

COMMENT: So who really runs city hall?

They should have landed with a thud. But instead last week's financial filings by hundreds of candidates in B.C.'s 2011 municipal elections were met with matter-of-fact reporting or shrugs of indifference. Yet, the tale they told couldn't have been sung better by Liza Minelli and Joel Grey in Cabaret if they had tried: “money...

Castlegar man sentenced to prison after Friday's armed robbery

A 22-year-old Castlegar man, David Halvorsen, pled guilty to several offences stemming from the robbery at Paragon on March 23, and was sentenced to two years in jail, according to Castlegar RCMp Sgt. Laurel Mathew. “He was also given three years of probation following that sentence, and given a ten-year firearms prohibition,” she added. “The […]

US: "I am Trayvon Martin"

On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, a ‘Neighborhood Watch Volunteer' in Sanford, Florida, USA, shot and killed 17 year-old Trayvon Martin while the latter was coming out of a store with freshly-purchased candy. George Zimmerman confessed to the police that he shot Trayvon in the chest. According to the 911-recording of ...

New affordable housing initiative for Columbia Basin

As a result of federal and provincial investments, a new program, the Affordable Rental Housing initiative (ARHi), will soon be available in the Columbia Basin region for households in need. Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has also partnered with the Province in this initiative to deliver essential affordable rental housing. Through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement for […]

Abattoir will finally be a reality

After four years of hard work and advocacy funding is finally in place for the construction of a mobile abattoir for the Boundary region. The realization of years of work for volunteers committed to reviving the flagging meat production in the East Boundary area, the project’s final piece in the funding puzzle fell into place...

NDP Leadership: Who is BEST for BC?

This weekend, the federal NDP will not only choose a new leader, but determine whether the party descends further as a parochial servant of Quebec or re-establishes itself as a true national party. NDP supporters won’t like it, but the truth is that, in the push for power, former leader Jack Layton and the NDP party sold out […]

CAC issues FOURTH avalanche warning for weekend

For the first weekend of spring, the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) is issuing its fourth Special Public Avalanche Warning in five weeks. The warning area includes the South Coast Inland, the North and South Columbias, the Cariboos, the Purcells, the South Rockies, the Lizard Range and the Kootenay Boundary region. This...

RCMP releases names of avalanche victims

The RCMP has confirmed the identity of the two people who were buried and killed in an avalanche near Nelson March 21: Katie Aring, a 32-year-old Salt Lake City woman and Ryan Keene, a 31-year-old man from London, England. The RCMP has completed next of kin notifications with the families. At around 10 a.m. on […]

Facebook group encourages residents to voice concerns about local highway maintenance

Rosslander Tammy McLean recently started the Facebook event, “Kootenay Citizens for Better Highway Maintenance” to encourage local residents to express their opinion about the state of highways maintenance. Comments have been rolling in. Taryn Marchi, who does “casual work” at KBRH wrote, “Due to the road conditions this year I have not taken a single […]

Conflicting views on local highway maintenance

As the winter’s toll of motor vehicle accidents and inconveniences mounts, concerns in the community have grown that inadequate highway maintenance is putting the public at risk. At the core of the debate is whether restrictive provincial budgets and corner-cutting private contractors have (or haven’t) resulted in poorer standards of maintenance since the contracts were […]

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