

IntegrityBC launches “Take back BC” campaign

IntegrityBC today launched “Take back BC,” a campaign focused on ensuring that the 2013 provincial election is the last election in B.C. bought and paid for by special interest money. The organization is calling on every political party to put electoral finance reform into their 2013 election platform and to make it one of ...

The Boundary Sentinel takes home 2012 Community Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Editor and owner of The Boundary Sentinel, Mona Mattei, was one of eight local businesses and organizations recognized at the annual Community Futures Boundary 2012 Community Awards at a special evening celebration, Tuesday, Oct. 23 held at the Grand Forks Curling Rink. About 100 people attended the event, which recognized ...

COMMENT: Outrageous City Hall salaries an expensive legacy

Victor Kumar, former Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has left behind a legacy of outrageous salaries for management staff that are going to be very expensive for the taxpayers of Rossland. Through a Freedom of Information request, I’ve obtained copies of the contracts for City management staff and information about salary...

Emcon enlarges Nancy Greene Summit parking lot for skiers

Joe Mottishaw, the Kootenay Boundary division manager of Emcon, announced earlier this month that the company will be "widening and enlarging a parking area for [cross]-country skiers at the Nancy Greene Summit."Mottishaw noted that each year Emcon "provides two days of free service with a piece of equipment for a small...

COMMENT: The Endbridge corporate character

A corporation is not a person. Words, of course, convey the impression that it is because language uses the same terms to refer to a corporation as an individual. “John” can be transposed to “Enbridge” without a change in sentence structure. Even though a corporation is neutered by the pronoun “it”, this substitute for a noun...

Flu clinics have begun

Flu clinics across the Interior Health region have begun.  Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from the flu and its complications. Seniors, infants under five and people with chronic illness are most at risk of serious illness or complications that can result from the flu. “Many people ...

Rossland council wants public input on leash laws and smoking bans

Following council's request in September for a "smoking dogs" bylaw, city staff returned to council on Monday with a report on bylaws used by other communities to control dogs and restrict smoking in public areas. Council voted to provide several opportunities for public input before contemplating any change to either the ban...

Kootenay Columbia Trail Society plans a major expansion to attract new riders

Stewart Spooner of the Kootenay Columbia Trails Society (KCTS) has spearheaded an effort to build a new 17 kilometre bike and hike trail from Red Mountain Resort to Nancy Greene Pass. The intermediate level trail will be less technically demanding than other trails in the existing network. "The motivation behind this big...

"Rossland Gateway" property applies for commercial zoning to build a metal shop

Council has advanced Curtis Nichols' application to rezone his property at 926 Black Bear Drive—opposite the junction of Highway 22 and the Cascade Highway—from R1 Residential to C2 Commercial Service, and a public hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 12. Nichols plans to subdivide his lot, keeping the southern portion...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Upgrades and snowfalls...and celebration delays

Due to the beautiful early snowfall in Rossland, the downtown grand re-opening party will unfortunately have to be rescheduled from October 27th to November 3rd. By the end of this week, we should have nearly complete sidewalks: concrete, pavers, and softscaping should be mostly complete.  Harry Lefevre has progressed quite...

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