

IntegrityBC calls for BC Libs to re-commit to pre-election advertising restrictions

IntegrityBC is calling on the B.C. government to recommit to its 2009 ban on non-essential government advertising in the four months prior to voting day. The organization made the call following growing public concerns over the government's new TV ads featuring Premier Christy Clark.   IntegrityBC released a copy of the...

Economists cautiously optimistic about B.C.'s economy

The majority of B.C. Economic Forecast Council members predict B.C. real GDP growth will slightly outperform the Canadian average in 2013, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the council.   On average, the council expects B.C. real GDP growth to be 2.1 per cent in 2012, down...

OPINION: Canada needs quality First Nation leaders in Parliament

By: Mischa Popoff, Policy Advisor for The Heartland Institute, Research Associate for The Frontier Centre for Public Policy Getting kicked off a flight for being inebriated must’ve been troubling for New Democrat MP Romeo Saganash. But it was even more troubling for me. Put aside for the moment the fact that Saganash is a...

Dangerous and disrespectful: speeding on Thompson Ave. threatens area residents

Gerald Savard knows there's a big problem with speeding on Thompson Avenue—he lives on the street below the hill at the intersection with Esling Drive—but he's dismayed that "nobody seems to want to do anything about it.""The traffic is unbelievable," he said. "People go 70, 80 kilometres per hour, it's just crazy. People...

Take part in provincial consultations on the Columbia River Treaty

Residents will have another chance to talk to the Province about the future of the Columbia River Treaty in November. The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) Local Governments’ Committee encourages Basin residents to attend the consultation workshop in Trail on Wednesday, November 28. Workshops are also being held in Jaffray, Valemount,...

Corporate Officer Tracey Butler promoted to Deputy CAO with a 20 per cent raise and an assistant

On Monday evening CAO Cecile Arnott presented council with the "restructuring we've been doing with management," including an overall reduction in the number of managers and a $20,000 increase to Corporate Officer (now Deputy CAO) Tracey Butler's salary. The city will also hire a "confidential secretary-deputy CO" to assist...

Public hearing for Black Bear Drive rezoning draws vehement opposition from neighbours

Two neighbours spoke strongly against Curtis Nichols' application to rezone his property, 926 Black Bear, from R1 Residential to C2 Commercial Service at the public hearing on Monday. The city has also received similar correspondence since details about the proposal were reported two weeks ago. The image above is a zoning map...

Rossland named an "energy leader," receives award from BC Community Energy Association

Rossland's unique and effective Energy Diet has earned the city an Honourable Mention for a Climate and Energy Action Award, whose sponsors include province of British Columbia, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), Fortis BC, and BC Hydro. Patricia Dehnel, an energy planner from the Community Energy Association,...

LETTER: What about project costs?

Dear editor, In your recent story,“Living High in Mayberry……..” you report that Councillor Fisher is asking taxpayers the question “do you know what you are paying for” Andrew Bennett is doing great work in trying to reduce the budget to simple one-liners that people can easily understand; however isn’t this something the...

Flying High: Renovations completed at the Eagles

Renovations to the Fraternal Order of Eagles club began in early October and are now complete.  Janet Capozzolo, who has been a member for just over a year,  and is currently the bar manager, along with FOE  executives and trustees, put their heads together and came up with the idea to renovate to increase business and appeal...

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