

Broadband initiative needs council approval as deadlines fast approach

The Broadband Task Force reported to council on Monday evening that broadband Internet holds great promise for Rossland's future competitiveness, but council must act before May 28 to proceed with the plan. Amber Hayes and Brian Fry presented the task force’s in-depth analysis of broadband and its implications for the City ...

Rossland's new sister: Surnadal, Norway, birthplace of Olaus Jeldness

Following on the (free) heels of an enormously successful 116th Winter Carnival in which the new bronze statue of Olaus Jeldness in downtown Rossland was feted by hundreds of merrymakers—including Olaus lookalikes, visiting Norwegian dignitaries, and descendants of Olaus himself—the City of Rossland and the municipality of ...

Rossland puts a new branding iron in the fire just as the Gateway Project posts for proposals

The Rossland "brand" is getting a makeover to give key stakeholders a "consistent, professional image"—stakeholders such as the city, the Chamber of Commerce (CC), the library, and Tourism Rossland (TR)—but council was divided in April over the logo suggested by the designer and asked for more alternatives. The designer obliged...

Kootenay residents asked to attend an ener-vention as FortisBC PowerSense launches the Kootenay Energy Diet

Kootenay residents will get help slimming down their energy use when they join the Kootenay Energy Diet, set to launch in Castlegar on May 22 with community ener-ventions (information sessions and trade shows) to follow in Trail, Salmo, Rossland, Grand Forks, Slocan, Creston and Kaslo. “As we found through the successful...

Mir Lecture Series presents Arun Gandhi, Peace Activist & Mahatma Gandhi’s Grandson

Join Arun Gandhi as he addresses violence through education and his work with impoverished children using the lessons that he learned from his famous grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi. This lecture takes place at the Brilliant Cultural Centre on May 17th. Inspired Legacy Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, was born in South ...

LETTER: Taxes are about sharing

Dear Sir, I couldn't believe my eyes. Your letter page contained a letter from someone who holds a position of power in a local cooperative. He wrote to raise the prospect of taxation as a spectre of fear and loathing against which all co-op members should raise standards, mount ramparts and prepare to repel raiding hordes ...

HE SAID SHE SAID: Public outcry pushes for sustainability, but council digs in its core service heels

Following council’s five hour debate on the entire budget on May 1, council was forced to pause the financial plan blitz for twenty minutes on May 6 to hear nine members of the public oppose the only major cut: approximately $20,000 axed from the Sustainability Commission (SC), terminating their paid coordinator with no...

COMMENT: Financial Plan passes with no hint of public consultation, or thought

Council approved the 2013-2017 financial plan (FP) on Wednesday morning, just one week after the bulk of debate was completed in a single unpublicized meeting on May 1.  No major changes came about in a follow-up meeting on May 6 that concluded with council passing the first three readings of this year's FP bylaw.   The major...

Downtown trash cans and more uncanned, but recanning remains possible

Council has decided to reinstate the downtown furniture budget that it had put on hold last year. The $108,000 line item includes benches, but also bike racks, recycling bins, bear-proof garbage containers, and the eclectic but contentious ore cart. Council's decision, however, stipulates that city staff will return to council...

OP/ED: On Mother's Day, fishcakes and pot

J.D. Salinger once said, “Mothers are all slightly insane.” … and I could not agree more.  I mean, we have to be, in order to put up with all the chaos that raising children brings.  It’s a 24-hour job that consists of playing the roles of chef, chauffeur, nurse, referee, janitor, therapist, and teacher all while demanding ...

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