

Have your say! Vote for your favourite Rossland school name now

The Rossland Secondary School Renaming Committee has now shortlisted the name ideas submitted and  we are looking for your input on the shortlist. If you did not participate in the first step, you may still take part in this prioritization.  We request that you only complete this survey once per household. You may get a link...

Vitamin K- An Essential Nutrient for your Bones & Heart

Vitamin K was discovered in the early 1900’s by Dr. Dam, a Danish scientist and the Japanese have done extensive research since then and found that Japanese women eating Natto had increased bone density.  I know you are asking, what the heck is Natto and what connection does that have to Vitamin K? Natto is a fermented food...

Judge Chides Harper Government's 'paternalistic, self serving, arbitrary and disrespectful' approach to First Nations

On January 17, 2014, Justice Patrick Smith of the Specific Claims Tribunal issued his decision in Aundeck Omni Kaning v. Canada, finding that Canada's unilateral, take-it-or-Ieave-it approach to the resolution of specific claims represents a blatant refusal to negotiate and undermines the Honour of the Crown in its dealings...

Stephen Harper’s Disservice to Israel

The dictionary definition of perverse says (of a person or their actions) “...showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.” Well, that just about sums up Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s disturbing trip to Israel. If anyone knows why this...

Fish virus found in Kootenay Lake Kokanee calls for action

A fatal fish virus has been detected in the Kootenay Lake Kokanee raised in the Meadow Creek and Redfish spawning channels. Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNv) was found in 80 percent of spawning Kokanee in a routine check of the fish coming from the Meadow Creek spawning channel last fall. The virus has also been...

Boundary Dog Sled Races day one

Updated with full story:  With beautiful weather, plenty of competitors and hundreds of spectators, the Boundary Dog Sled Classics can only be deemed a success.  The Boundary Dog Sled races were a sprint-edition this year compared to the long-distance races held in previous years. This allowed spectators to watch almost the...

Fire destroys home in Pass Creek

A fire last night in Pass Creek destroyed a home, despite the attendance of three fire departments and roughly 20 firefighters, according to Pass Creek fire chief Brian Bebelman. He said the call came in at about 9:55 p.m. to respond to a fire at the end of McDaniels Road, at a double-wide trailer mounted on a full foundation,...

Implications of City of Castlegar wrong-doing refuted

Implications that the City of Castlegar failed to exercise due diligence in its bid to expand its boundaries have proven to be unfounded. The contention first arose when the city announced its intent to expand its boundaries to include Ootischenia gravel pit lands, which are currently owned by the Ministry of Transportation...

National Environmental Leadership Clinic coming to the Kootenays

The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) is excited to announce that it has teamed up with its national counterpart, the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), to offer a unique environmental education opportunity. This spring, eight lucky teams of four will have the opportunity...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Fines gone, Mother Goose back

Remember what I talked about in my last column? About how our Board of Directors had passed a motion to do away with overdue fines? Well, that very same progressive Board is looking for a few good women and men to join in the fun – if you think you might be interested in joining the library Board, give us a call or stop by ...

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