

Teck reports spill

Teck Trail is informing the public of the spill of up to 25 cubic metres of a high pH solution into a Regional District Sewage Treatment Plant. "Teck Trail Operations is reporting that on Tuesday, January 28, up to 25 cubic meters of a high pH solution was discharged to a domestic sewer line that goes to the Regional District...

BC gov't supports liquor law changes

Festival goers and sports enthusiasts, as well as the hotel industry and its patrons, will benefit from a third set of recommendations highlighted today from the now released final report on the B.C. Liquor Policy Review. In addition, government has announced its full support for all 73 recommendations in the report. A number...

Atamanenko takes horse slaughter issue to House of Commons

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko will soon have his turn to debate one of his private members bill in the House of Commons.   “I have just notified the House of Commons that I will be moving forward with my newly introduced Bill C-571 which will impose certain limits on the horse slaughter industry,” said Atamanenko....

COMMENT: Where are all the grown-ups overseeing our health care?

I'd like to paint a picture for you, explaining why, in my opinion, this region enjoys sub-par health services: Imagine, if you would, that you're the BC Minister of Health. You oversee five health authorities, with 16 health services delivery areas under them, all of them clamouring for a finite pool of funding and resources....

EDITORIAL: New Year, New Telegraph as Rossland’s oldest newspaper (yup) rolls out some new ideas

Working in an online environment is a form of constant education. When David Livingstone and I started The Rossland Telegraph five years ago, we had the idea of offering something new in a new medium--an electronic forum where all right-thinking denizens of the Mountain Kingdom could air and share their views, thereby...

Inaugural TechBrewSki event celebrates the Kootenay’s unique entrepreneurial lifestyle

The Kootenay region is unique in many ways. That much is evident at first glance. What many visitors or new arrivals may not know is that the biking, skiing, snowboarding, hiking and general outdoor recreation-focussed lifestyle, along with a unique creative vibe and community-first mindset, is the basis of a strong and growing...

Broadband in Castlegar explained

This is the first of a four-part series that will describe what broadband is, what the potential is for rural communities as well as how and why Castlegar is exploring options around the development of high speed fibre optics broadband.   Part One: The Columbia Basin Trust, the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC) and...

Trail says 'no' to Castlegar-funded examination of acute health care priorities in the region

Trail has chosen to opt out of a process initiated by the City of Castlegar to create a region-wide strategic plan for health care in the region. Castlegar contracted, at the cost of about $20,000, the services of consultant Jim Gustafson (formerly the CAO of the RDCK and, before that, Castlegar) to gather information from ...

Selkirk College Hairdressing Students Up to the Challenge

Selkirk College Hairdressing Program students are engaged in a friendly competition and you’re invited to get involved in a way that will leave you with a fresh look. At the start of January, cosmetology services at Selkirk’s Silver King Campus opened for business. Students in the Hairdressing and Esthetics Programs started...

Funding fun as council says 'yes' to museum and 'no' to Seven Summits

Monday, January 27th, 2014 It was a long evening -- a Committee-of-the-whole ("COW") meeting started at 5:00, followed by a regular Council meeting at 7:00.  Funding, swimming holes, electric fences, broad-band --Read on!  And please don't be disappointed by the lack of personal opinion in this column; it is my intention to...

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