

Fire ban partially rescinded in Southeast Fire Centre

Effective at noon (PDT) on Friday, September 26, Category 2 open fires will be permitted within the Southeast Fire Centre due to a decreased risk of wildfires. However, Category 3 open fires are still prohibited within the Southeast Fire Centre's jurisdiction, with the exception of the Columbia Fire Zone. The public is now ...

UBCM continues to lobby against province giving $1 mill to town with no residents: Jumbo

Today, the Union of BC Municipalities unanimously passed a motion opposing provincial funding of municipalities without residents. Today, delegates representing municipalities across British Columbia voted unanimously to urge the Province of B.C. to stop funding towns without a population. Put forward by Invermere Mayor Gerry...

Celgar responds to midnight train controversy; CPR to appear before council

Zellstoff Celgar is responding to a misconception that it was at the pulp mill’s request that CP Rail has started running nighttime trains through Castlegar. Celgar spokesperson Sandy Hinter told The Source that, in fact, the opposite is true. “CP Rail recently implemented changes to its service policy and schedule on the...

MLA and MP join forces to offer congrats on Communities in Bloom win

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko and Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy join in congratulating the City of Castlegar on winning the 2014 Communities in Bloom International Challenge.  Castlegar received 5 Blooms and competed against other cities across Canada and in Ireland for the overall win in the small category (less...

City thriving with year-over-year jump in building permits, business licenses

City beautification and marketing efforts appear to be bearing fruit, as per business license and building permit reports submitted to city council, according to city councillor Kevin Chernoff. Chernoff said a substantial increase over last year’s numbers in both licenses and permits indicates the city is successfully attracting...

UPDATED: Petition to save Pass Creek Fall Fair

The link to sign a petition letting the RDCK know you'd support taxpayer investment to save the Fall Fair is here: http://passcreekfair.com/   Previous story: The 19th Annual Pass Creek Fall Fair last weekend was, by all accounts, a screaming success … but will this popular regional event still happen next year? That’s not ...

Work in the age of anxiety

Working Canadians, from blue collar workers to middle class professionals to hamburger flippers are facing the worst economy insecurity, most stressful working conditions, the slowest increases in real income and the most cynical anti-worker governments literally since the 1930s. At the same time the 1% and the powerful...

The Dewdney Trail, Past and Present – A Talk by Richie Mann at the Rossland Historical Museum

Last Thursday evening, Richie Mann spoke to a packed crowd of about 50 people in the Cominco Theatre (located inside the museum) on the history of the Dewdney Trail, which links to our own local history and the discovery of gold in the area.  He began with Edgar Dewdney the person, and expanded into the dramatic building of...

Nation-state independence and the state of happiness

Scotland's Referendum Readers will be aware of the story last week of Scotland's independence referendum. The “yes” side lost its bid for an independent Scotland, as Quebec’s yes side has lost in two recent referendums, whereas Ireland succeeded -- for 26 of its 32 counties – in seceding from the United Kingdom. I feel...

STATEMENT: Canada uses World Conference to continue indefensible attack on UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous peoples’ organizations and human rights groups are outraged that the federal government used a high level United Nations forum on Indigenous rights as an opportunity to continue its unprincipled attack on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. On Monday, the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples...

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