

Council candidate David Grantham, in his own words

My name is David Grantham and I am running for Castlegar City Council. I personally would like to challenge the City of Trail to stand up and do what is right for the entire region and all their brothers, sisters, and friends in neighbouring communities, and to agree to the fact that we all know to be true, "We need a new...

Council candidate Bruno Tassone, in his own words

While I’m proud of the city we live in, I think we can sharpen it up a little bit. I’m an advocate to restore health care services in this town, including ambulance service and our hospital hours. We need to take a more active role in lobbying the government, and getting them to realize the benefit of the crossroads of the ...

COMMENT: 9 reasons not to vote for Greg Granstrom this fall

Greg Granstrom astonished me on Facebook last week, a real shocker that had nothing to do with either his decision to run for councillor instead of mayor, nor the "friend request" I received from him the next day. (Which I accepted.) I was intrigued—but still not astonished—when Greg jumped into a conversation on Terry Miller's...

Council candidate Kere MacGregor, in his own words

Having lived and worked in Castlegar for the last 20 years, I am humbled at the opportunity to run for Castlegar City Councillor.  This amazing community has provided me with an incredible place to raise my family, operate our businesses, work at a job that is meaningful, vigorously participate in the vast recreational...

Province deliberating on Jumbo compliance decision

The future of the Jumbo Valley is currently in limbo, as the provincial Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) recently found the project to be in non-compliance with several conditions of its environmental assessment certificate, which expired earlier this week on (Sunday) October 12 – and some are questioning whether...

Signs of the times; a Recreation Site for the Rossland Range (maybe); arsenic & bio-char; and the hazards of Japanese knotweed! -- but no Ebola. So far.

A reminder: these accounts of Council meetings are intended to be as factual and unbiased as possible for a merely human reporter. They include most, but not all, of the proceedings at the meeting -- (skipping stuff like approval of minutes, which adds nothing to anyone's understanding of Council members' attitudes and...

Whitewater, Red Mtn. move into second round of Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown contest

It appears Whitewater and Red Mountain are heading for a collision course in the Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown contest. This, of course, should the two local ski resorts based in Nelson and Rossland, respectively, advance into the third round. Both Whitewater and Red Mountain took down first round opponents as the...

One if by land, three if by sea? Police nab trio of alleged would-be boat thieves during water-borne getaway

Whether criminals attempt to escape by land or by sea, it would appear the local long arm of the law will reach them. Saturday morning saw Nelson RCMP, Kaslo RCMP and the Conservation Office join forces to nab a trio of would-be boat thieves who tried to escape over water with their ill-gotten gains, according to Nelson RCMP...

ELECTION 2014: All Candidates Forum announced; candidate profiles start tomorrow

Covering elections can be a challenge, especially with a full slate of candidates. Reporters ask questions, but also have to choose which answers to publish. Even the most objective reporter won’t always fairly represent the candidates that way. The Chamber of Commerce All Candidates Forum is great way to start getting to...

New cab company promises service to Castlegar/Trail after both cities lose service providers

The ink is barely dry on a deal that will bring taxi service once more to Castlegar and Trail, after both cities’ taxi services were shut down as of Oct. 11. Ken Parker, a dental rep out of Surrey, and his partner first entered the taxi business when they purchased the license to open Creston Cab Company in July of this year....

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