

PODCAST: You can do that here! Episode 4: How to retain and attract top talent with Greg Malpas

  People. Any smart entrepreneur out there knows that to truly do great things in business, it’s going to take more than just yourself to get the job done. People indeed are truly a companies greatest asset.  Putting in place those people that can get behind your goal, get engaged with your company’s mission, and truly want...

College VP wins leadership award

Selkirk College Vice President of Education & Students Neil Coburn has been recognized for his commitment to strengthening transfer agreements and enabling student mobility in post-secondary institutions across the province. Coburn was presented the Leadership Award from the British Columbia Council on Admissions & ...

Police continue search for Aguilar; request public help

Search efforts by emergency personnel for Victoria Aguilar are ongoing and police continue to seek public information into her disappearance, according to RCMP Const. Kris Clark. This is the second request RCMP have sent out to the public. “The Slocan Lake RCMP along with Nakusp Ground Search and Rescue, RCMP Police Dog...

LVR grad Corby Martin hoping to 'Crash' Super Bowl party

In less than three weeks millions of fans, football or not, will be parked in front of the television set to watch the Super Bowl. National Football League fans will be cheering for their favourite teams while others will be glued to the television to see what Anheuser–Busch, Apple, Go-Daddy and Doritos have dreamed up during...

Bennett drops a bomb on controversial hunting regs

Comments from the Minister of Energy and Mines have fueled the already burning controversy over new hunting regulations brought in by the government on December 10. East Kootenay MLA Bill Bennett recently told the Province newspaper that the province “didn’t get it quite right”, saying they will go back to the drawing board...

River Talks — The Big Thirst

Since 2005, Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has researched and explored the natural and human history of the rivers of the upper Columbia River Basin.  She speaks frequently at conferences and symposia throughout the Basin on the history of the Columbia River Treaty and its effects on Basin residents.  She has recently completed a...

You can do that here! Podcast Episode 3 - How to be a successful serial entrepreneur with Amber Hayes

Authors Note: The You can do that here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST). It is a weekly series of half hour conversations with the most innovative entrepreneurs in the West Kootenay. Each episode is full of advice, and learnings from those that have been...

Money and the City

Council gets its teeth into some meaty financial issues.  Decisions made at Committee-of-the-Whole meetings are not final until passed by resolution at a regular meeting, but Committee-of-the -Whole meetings give Council an opportunity for less-formal and more extensive discussion. Rossland City Council, Committee-of-the-Whole...

Man injured after vehicle struck by snow plow

An accident Monday saw one man sent to hospital after being struck by a snow plow, according to RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff. “On Jan. 5 at approximately 2:21 p.m., Castlegar RCMP were dispatched to a motor vehicle collision on Columbia Avenue and 9th Street,” she said in a press release issued this afternoon. “Investigation...

LETTER: 70-yr-old patient to sleep in car to get medical care

Dear Editor, I’m writing this because I am just livid.My neighbour is 70 years old. She has suffered a stroke, has had two heart attacks, and multiple surgeries on her pancreas. She is not in good health, to say the least. Doesn't stop her though, she was out shoveling snow yesterday! She is leaving tomorrow for surgery on ...

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