

Weather alert ends for West Kootenay

Special weather warning continue for Columbia and Howe Sound regions of the province, but the West Kootenay alert has ended. The weather has changed to a few flurries or rain showers for Sunday, dropping to 30 percent for Monday along with fog. Highs for Monday is for plus 3. Unsettled weather is set to remain for the rest ...

Taxes and The Common Good: Thank You, Neighbours.

The day we were hit by the season’s worst (so far) snow storm was also the day I received my property assessment notice. I would have been delighted by the gain in our property’s value had it not been for the warning that it “will likely result in a tax increase in 2015”. It was no consolation that I did not have to trudge ...

MP Announces Approaching Deadline for 2015 Canada Summer Jobs Applications

Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior is reminding eligible local employers and organizations that the deadline for submitting applications to Canada Summer Jobs 2015 (CSJ) is January 30, 2015.   “The deadline is approaching”, said Atamanenko.  “I encourage eligible employers to consider applying for CJS funding and ...

Two pets attacked by bobcat(s) in city last night

Pet owners are being warned to keep their furry friend indoors after one or more bobcats attacked two local pets Wednesday evening. Conservation Officer Ben Beetlestone said the first attack happened at roughly 6 p.m. on the 1600 block of Columbia Avenue near No Frills. The cat in question is still at risk of succumbing to ...

Air cadets in Castlegar, Trail, Nelson test to become pilots

On Jan. 10, members of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets from across Canada wrote their Flying Scholarship Qualification Exams. In Castlegar, three air cadets from Trail, Castlegar and Nelson wrote their exams. In addition to their regular cadet activities, since September, the local cadets have been taking extra courses through...

UPDATE: Apology for incorrect information re: housefire

Ed Note: In the interest of clarification and accuracy, The Source reported yesterday that a housefire on Emerald Crescent Monday evening was called in at roughly 9 p.m. This is totally inaccurate, as the call came in at 5:47 p.m. There is no doubt in my mind that this mistake was entirely my own, and should not be attributed...

One Heroic Rosslander; Logging at Redstone? -- and a Fat Bike Race!

As time eats into the New Year, our new Council chews on some tough issues. Rossland City Council Regular Meeting January 12, 2015 Present:   Mayor Kathy Moore,   Councillors Lloyd McLellan, John Greene, Andrew Zwicker,  Marten Kruysse, Andy Morel,  Aaron Cosbey. Staff:  Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Tracey Butler,...

Avalanche Canada Introduces the Mountain Information Network

  New tool provides crowd-sourced observations for public avalanche safety Jan 14, 2014, Revelstoke, BC: Avalanche Canada is pleased to announce a new tool for backcountry users that brings real-time information sharing to recreational users. The Mountain Information Network (MIN) offers an easy and effective method for...

TOUR De SOUP: They Lapped it Up!

The "Goat FM Tour de Soup"  held at the  Black Jack Cross-Country Ski Club, went through five vats of delicious soup this year -- the supply of mouth-watering soups ran out  as hungry skiers kept lining up with cups. The "Tour de Soup" is a day of free skiing at Black Jack,  with free soup, too -- donated by local restaurants...

PODCAST: You can do that here! Episode 4: How to retain and attract top talent with Greg Malpas

People. Any smart entrepreneur out there knows that to truly do great things in business, it’s going to take more than just yourself to get the job done. People indeed are truly a companies greatest asset.  Putting in place those people that can get behind your goal, get engaged with your company’s mission, and truly want to...

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