

Selkirk prepares Gurpreet Kaur for future in Gerontological Nursing

Gurpreet Kaur was living in her home district of Tarn Taran in India when she realized that she wanted to do something different from her current work as a nurse-midwife. A quick search on Google brought her information on Selkirk College in Castlegar and the college’s two-year Post Graduate Diploma in Gerontological Nursing....

Provincial government kicks in $18.9 million investment into new training facilities at Selkirk College

The machine shop at Selkirk’s Silver King campus was packed today as the board announced an $18.9 million investment into new training facilities. Selkirk College president Angus Graeme was grinning ear to ear as he took to the podium and addressed the buzzing crowd of students, teachers and board members. “We don’t normally...

The Power of Live Story-Telling: Little Moths

Tired of gazing at a tiny glowing screen, or even a big one?  Willing to share one of your true experiences, or to listen and learn from others' real life stories? Calling all storytellers and Vinyl Café fans -- Trail’s version of New York City’s ’The Moth’ returns to The Griff at The Bailey Theatre Friday November 20th at ...

The Many Marvels of the Mysterious Mushroom

By David Suzuki Until 1969, biologists thought mushrooms and other fungi were plants. They’re actually more closely related to animals, but with enough differences that they inhabit their own distinct classification. This and more recent findings about these mysterious organisms illustrate how much we have yet to learn about...

OP/ED: Blueberry School Sale a Poor Deal for SD 20

I am Mark Wilson – School Trustee for the Trail area and after reading the Article on the Sale of Blueberry School dated October 30/15 in your paper, I would like to clarify a few items. These are my opinions backed by facts. 1.      The vote to sell this school for $1 was passed by […]

Local Resident Receives National Environmental Education Award

Monica Nissen, local Nelson resident and Director of Wildsight’s education programs, was awarded a prestigious national award in Canmore last week—the 2015 Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Award of Excellence. Monica’s passion for the wilderness and her gift for teaching drew her into the field...

Water and Sewer Costs, our Economy, and Huge Surprises: Bah Humbug.

In about the year 2000,  I calculated that the average residential property in Canada was being under-taxed by about $1500 per year, just to provide the money that would have been needed then to pay the “infrastructure debt” hiding under our streets.   That number was so far from what people have come to think is a bearable...

Blueberry Creek Community School Society buys land/school for $1

It’s been a long time coming, but the Blueberry Creek Community School Society now owns its facility and the property on which it stands, having purchased both from School District 20 (SD 20) for one dollar. While that may sound like a poor deal for SD 20, it’s actually good news for virtually everyone involved, according to...

Trick-or-treating to protest starving students

Frustrated about student poverty, Selkirk College students are planning a food drive on Halloween night. Students will be going door-to-door in traditional trick-or-treat fashion asking area residents to provide non-perishable food items for the campus food bank. “With little action being taken by the provincial government ...

Former Israeli Airforce Helicopter Pilot Speaks at Mir Lecture Series Event

Former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) helicopter pilot Yonatan Shapira’s outlook on the violent struggle in the Gaza Strip and West Bank changed dramatically 12 years ago and for more than a decade he has been traveling the world in an effort to bring change through non-violent means. Shapira will bring his insight on the Israeli...

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