Editorial: Negative campaigning and being well-informed
Every day, my inbox is littered with vitriol from two of BC's political parties, about each other. They're each titled "press release" but I haven't been publishing them. Perhaps that's wrong-headed of me, but I don't want to encourage the negativity. Why am I opposed to the nastiness? Because I want voters to vote, and to...
Trail Historical Society awarded $75,000
The Trail Historical Society is pleased to announce that is has received $75,000 through the B.C. | Canada 150: Celebrating B.C. Communities funding stream towards heritage spaces in the Riverfront Centre. The application, submitted in February 2017, requested funding to assist with the design and fabrication of the three exhibit galleries in the new museum.
LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students replies to Selkirk students
Selkirk Students Deserve Fair, Transparent and Democratic Referendum (On April 5) the Castlegar Source published a letter to the editor containing misinformation about Selkirk College students' membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. The letter leaves out some critical information that Selkirk students need to ...
LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students sues Selkirk College students
Students at Selkirk College have become embroiled in a legal battle for the right to vote about their membership in a national student group, according to Selkirk College Students’ Union Director at-Large Santanna Hernandez. “Students submitted a valid petition for a referendum on membership in the Canadian Federation of...
COLUMN: Oceans and Life
The federal government recently created two marine protected areas in the Pacific region and has committed to increase ocean protection from one per cent to 10 by 2020. But will this be enough? Canada has the longest coastline of any nation, but our country doesn’t end at its ocean shores. With a 200-nautical-mile economic ...
Grant Money Allocated for Community Initiatives
Rossland City Council held a Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting on April 4, 2017, to discuss the 35 applications for funding from the available "pot" of CBT's CIP dollars to be allocated by Rossland. That pot of funding amounted to $56,008. The amounts sought by the 35 applicants totaled $134,263 -- well over double the amount...
Selkirk College’s Pathways to Employment Explores Opportunities
A Selkirk College job skills pilot project has introduced a group of 16 students to industrial and trades careers, ultimately changing lives in the process. The Pathways to Employment in Trades & Industry Program brought together students of diverse backgrounds from across the West Kootenay in early-November for a 19-week...
The Power of Chocolate
Chocoholics: Is it possible to know enough about chocolate? What do we need to know, except that it tastes wonderful? Worldwatch Institute writer Gaelle Gourmelon discusses chocolate's history and the social and ecological impacts of the way it is grown, and how all of us chocoholics can help to improve matters...
COLUMN: Amazing Advances in Technology
If you own a smartphone, you have more computing power at your fingertips than NASA scientists had when they put people on the moon in 1969! And it’s in a small device, unlike the massive hardware the space agency used. Technology moves in leaps and bounds. As someone who grew up before home computers, transoceanic phone...
B.C. rolls out $95 million to support all 60 school districts
Government is providing school districts with a total of $95 million to help them extend the life of their facilities, put new supplies in classrooms and buy new school buses. Every school district in the province will receive a portion of this funding, which is being allocated through four provincial programs. Under the...