

Rossland Welcomes Carshare Co-operative

There’s a new car in town!  And this car is co-operatively owned and operated by the 10 members of the newly formed Rossland Branch of Kootenay Carshare Co-operative. “Sharing a vehicle can save you money, spare you hassles and reduce your environmental impact.   The Carshare takes care of insurance costs, gas costs and vehicle...

Teck reports spill

Teck Trail is informing the public of the spill of up to 25 cubic metres of a high pH solution into a Regional District Sewage Treatment Plant. "Teck Trail Operations is reporting that on Tuesday, January 28, up to 25 cubic meters of a high pH solution was discharged to a domestic sewer line that goes to the Regional District...

Inaugural TechBrewSki event celebrates the Kootenay’s unique entrepreneurial lifestyle

The Kootenay region is unique in many ways. That much is evident at first glance. What many visitors or new arrivals may not know is that the biking, skiing, snowboarding, hiking and general outdoor recreation-focussed lifestyle, along with a unique creative vibe and community-first mindset, is the basis of a strong and growing...

Broadband in Castlegar explained

This is the first of a four-part series that will describe what broadband is, what the potential is for rural communities as well as how and why Castlegar is exploring options around the development of high speed fibre optics broadband.   Part One: The Columbia Basin Trust, the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC) and...

Rumours of Aviation Program's death have been greatly exaggerated - and could hurt the whole region

It's perhaps dangerously premature to start sounding the death knell for Selkirk College's renowned aviation program, despite the college's decision not to take new students for the 2014 year. The program, designed to accommodate 18 students, will only see three move forward into second year, with no new applicants being...

LETTER: MLA opposes Canada Post cuts

Dear Minister Raitt: Having recently heard of Canada Post’s announcement to eliminate home delivery services and privatization of postal outlets which will result in layoffs of up to 8,000 postal workers, I feel I must speak for my constituents.  While this is a federal matter my constituents will be directly affected by these...

COMMENT: What’s a ‘YES…if’ community--and could Rossland become one?

First what is a ‘YES … if’ community? It’s actually really simple. A ‘Yes…if’ community is one that, rather than focusing on the negatives (call that a ‘NO…but’ community), agrees to accentuate the positive. A ‘YES…if’ community agrees to listen with an open mind to all proposals, ideas, or plans for the betterment of the...

Council offers letter of support to postal workers

At its regular metting Monday night, council unanimously agreed to send a letter of support to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers as the union opposes deep cuts to postal service, including the end of door-to-door delivery. City councillor Deb McIntosh brought up a letter from the CUPW requesting the city's support. "We...

Kamloops Daily News shuts doors after more than 80 years

Monday in Kamloops, Glacier Media decided to cease publication of the Kamloops Daily News after more than 80 years. “Personally I am very saddened to make this announcement,” said The Daily News publisher Tim Shoults on the company website. “We have struggled for the last several years, worked tirelessly and taken many difficult...

Castlegar property values remain stable for 2014

Owners of more than 8,000 properties throughout Castlegar area can expect to receive their 2014 assessment notices in the next few days, according to BC Assessment's Dennis Hickson. “Most homes in Castlegar and its surrounding area have remained stable in value compared to last year’s assessment roll,” Hickson said. “For...

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