

Council Pulls the Plug on Rapid Rate Changes

Council has decided to pull the plug on the proposed changes to its water and sewer rate structures in time for a January 1st rate change.  The proposed changes to Rossland’s water and sewer rate structure, now out for consultations, had problems Council identified even before they splashed out and asked for citizen input. ...

Water and Sewer Costs, our Economy, and Huge Surprises: Bah Humbug.

In about the year 2000,  I calculated that the average residential property in Canada was being under-taxed by about $1500 per year, just to provide the money that would have been needed then to pay the “infrastructure debt” hiding under our streets.   That number was so far from what people have come to think is a bearable...

Sustainable Development Goals: A Path to Prosperity

By David Suzuki Sustainable development means different things to different people. The concept was popularized in 1987 by the groundbreaking Brundtland Commission report to the United Nations, “Our Common Future”.  Over the past three decades it has entered conversations around global poverty, health, environmental quality...

Rossland's New Event Sign is Up and Ready

Tourism Rossland and the City of Rossland are pleased to announce that the new event sign at the corner of Columbia Avenue and St Paul is ready to go.  This project was completed in association with the City of Rossland, provincial funding from the Resort Municipality Initiative, and the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives...

Staying Healthy in 'Flu Season

Natural Flu Protection - For more than just 1 Bug Now that fall is upon us, it is time to bolster the system for the winter. I’ve already seen the start of viral flus, so, this will help prevent and minimize the typical viral and bacterial illnesses common at this time of year. I try to remind folks that having a cold or flu...

Canadian Forest Industry Will Help Reach Your Economic and Environmental Goals

With the federal election now behind us, the new Prime Minister can and must promote the economy and the environment in the first few weeks of his mandate. The foundation for both future economic stability and environmental sustainability will be laid for decades to come based on two significant global initiatives — the...

Alberta’s personal income tax rate hikes will likely bring in $1.7 billion less than expected

The Alberta government will likely receive $1.7 billion less than expected from its personal income tax rate hikes, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan think-tank. The study, Alberta’s Personal Income Tax Increases Likely to Yield Less Revenue than Expected, calculates the ...

Knotweed Infestations = Higher Taxes and Lower Property Values

Dumping of knotweed cuttings just spreads the problem -- they can take root.  Knotweed and other noxious weeds are accepted free of charge at landfills -- so please take your cuttings there; don't spread knotweed infestations around the countryside. Invasive knotweed has been accurately described as the plant that is eating...

BC automobile insurance giant makes 2015 basic rate application

In prepared statement, (Insurance Corporation of BC) ICBC will submit the remainder of its 2015 basic rate application Thursday with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC), asking for a 5.5 per cent increase to basic insurance rates – lower than the earlier potential for 6.7 per cent. ICBC said in the release, if ...

Controlling spending in good times would have meant $4.4 billion surplus today—not $5 billion-plus deficit

Had the Alberta government increased spending more prudently over the past decade, the province would today enjoy a surplus, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “The view that falling oil prices are chiefly to blame for Alberta’s deficit is...

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