

What's good for the B.C. Liberals may not be good for B.C. Hydro

One of the last things anyone would ever imagine the B.C. government doing is adopting an old NDP program, but that's exactly what Energy and Mines minister Bill Bennett did this month when he announced a five-year, $300 million hydro bill deferment plan for 13 mines owned by six companies. There's a price to pay when B.C. ...

ICBC’s Hall of Shame: Cyber Fraud Files of 2015

Some things people just can't make up. The Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) has released its Cyber Files Wall of Shame for 2015. It goes from a  woman too hurt to go to work yet finds time for roller derby to a man who sets his own truck on fire then tries to make a claim to a man who completes a grueling 12-mile obstacle...

OPINION: TPP -- Forfeiting Our Health and Sovereignty?

Are Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland's officials misleading her about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Freeland signed the agreement Thursday in New Zealand, but repeated her assurances that critics shouldn't worry -- the government hasn't committed to ratifying it and consultations and a full debate will precede a vote...

COLUMN: From the Hill; Pipelines are a Hot Topic. An analysis.

Pipelines are a hot topic in Ottawa and across the country these days.  Last Wednesday the Liberals outlined their plans for a revised environmental assessment process for pipelines, and on Thursday the Conservatives put forward a motion asking the House to support the Energy East pipeline. Here is the overall picture: the ...

Another Success for Rossland's ThoughtExchange

Wait, what's ThoughtExchange? Rossland-based ThoughtExchange  makes use of technology for what we might call "crowdthinking."  It has created a system for sharing information and eliciting thoughts and ideas from any  number of people, from 5 to 50,0000, and allowing them to respond to each other's thoughts,  ideas and points...

Black Press closes doors on Nanaimo Daily News

 A few days after Postmedia Network Canada Corp. announced cuts to editorial staff across Canada, Black Press closed the doors on the 141-year-old Nanaimo Daily News Friday. “Black Press informed workers at the 141-year-old Nanaimo Daily News today that it will publish it’s last edition January 29,” Rob Munro, vice-president...

OPINION: How Will Trudeau Act on the TPP?

Will Trudeau Take a Neo-Keynesian Approach? Place your bets. Will Justin Trudeau and his economic advisors choose a neo-Keynesian approach to the growing economic disaster facing the country or will it stick to the neo-liberal ideology that has been the stock response of Liberal and Conservative governments for the past 30 ...

Slumping volume leads to job cuts at Canadian Pacific Railway

Slumping shipping volumes has forced Canadian Pacific Railway to cut 1,000 positions in the coming year. Many of the cuts, coming in union and management positions, will be done through attrition by the middle of 2016. The Calgary-based company released news during a conference call Thursday following the release of fourth ...

ICBC releases Hall of Shame winners for 2015

You can't dream up some of these stories as ICBC released its Hall of Shame for 2015. From a man who torches his vehicle then claims it was stolen to a woman embellishing the extent of her injuries to collect two paycheques to a man crying wolf to get out of doing the dishes the stories keep on getting crazier  from in ICBC's...

Corporate tax hikes ultimately reduce the wages of Canadian workers

Increasing corporate tax rates results in lower average wages for workers, finds a new study, released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. Corporate income taxes are ultimately paid for by individuals either as workers through lower wages, consumers through higher...

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