

The Power of Chocolate

Chocoholics:  Is it possible to know enough about chocolate? What do we need to know, except that it tastes wonderful?  Worldwatch Institute writer Gaelle Gourmelon discusses chocolate's history and the social and ecological impacts of the way it is grown, and how all of us chocoholics can help to improve matters...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- 2017 Budget Comments

As I discussed in my last column, the federal government had an opportunity in last week’s budget to finally start closing the growing income inequality gap in Canada. But, unfortunately the Liberals chose tax breaks for wealthy Canadians and giveaways to large corporations over helping the unemployed, veterans, and Indigenous...

Using the Free Ride Ski Bus? Take note!

Tourism Rossland has reduced the operating hours of the Free Ride Ski Bus for the remainder of the ski season.  As of March 20,  the last bus leaves downtown Rossland at 6:30 pm, and the last bus from Red Mountain Resort leaves at 7:00 pm. The reduced schedule allows the bus service to continue operating for the rest of the...

Bad Service, No Tip — Insights West Survey

Insights West is a progressive, Western-based, full-service marketing research company said a recent survey revealed a third of British Columbians refuse to tip at restaurants where they perceive to have received bad service. However, the survey went on to say most are happy to reward food servers with a higher gratuity if ...

City announces Trail airport terminal building call for tenders

The City of Trail announced last week that it has launched a call for tenders inviting eligible contractors to bid on the civil works and construction of the Trail Regional Airport Terminal Building. The tender, released March 8, closes March 28, at 3 p.m. PST and will require the successful contractor to start construction...

Teck Trail Operations Completes Construction of Groundwater Treatment Plant

Teck Trail Operations has completed construction of the Groundwater Treatment Plant, a $46-million investment to address groundwater affected by the site’s historical activities. Commissioning of the plant is currently under way, and the plant is expected to be fully operational by summer 2017. “The Groundwater Treatment Plant...

The Peel: Intact wilderness is a hedge against our ignorance

In 2011, I travelled with my family down Yukon’s Hart River. It’s one of seven pure rivers in the Peel River watershed, a 68,000-square-kilometre wilderness that’s been at the centre of a legal dispute for many years and a land-use planning debate for more than a decade. For two weeks, we fished from the river’s vibrant green...

Film Screening in Rossland: A New Economy

 A recent documentary film, " A New Economy," explores what might happen if working together for the common good were to become the most common business model. Can the world be saved?  Can co-operation save us? Or can global capitalism, with its dependence on the infinite exponential economic growth demanded by return on...

COLUMN: Faulty logic fuels fossil fools

Apparently, fossil fuel companies protect watersheds and rivers by removing oil. That’s according to comments on the David Suzuki Foundation Facebook page and elsewhere, including this: “The amount of contamination occuring [sic] from extraction is far less than if we just left the oil there to continue polluting the waterways.”...

Editorial: Governments serving whom?

In my few years of reporting on Rossland City Council, I have observed different styles of interaction between Council members, and between Council and the public; I have observed different concerns and priorities.  But always, our City Councils seem to have been concerned to do the best thing for Rossland and its people --...

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