

Women -- Want to Learn Coding?

Brought to you by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology This workshop has been designed for absolute beginners. We’ll use a hands-on project based approach to learn how to put data to use for us in our everyday lives. During the session, you’ll learn the following: An introduction to the history of artificial ...

BC Government's Credit Card Charges for 2016-17

There's nothing quite like poring through 87,527 credit card charges to the B.C. government's plastic in 2016/17. Charges that can often be on top of a company's billings to existing government accounts. For instance, last year, Sensus Communications billed the government $79,286, while various ministries put an additional ...

Column: Floods and Sponges

When the Aztecs founded Tenochtitlán in 1325, they built it on a large island on Lake Texcoco. Its eventual 200,000-plus inhabitants relied on canals, levees, dikes, floating gardens, aqueducts and bridges for defence, transportation, flood control, drinking water and food. After the Spaniards conquered the city in 1521, they...

Smoky skies, orange moon -- here's why

For a larger version of the picture shown above, go to: https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/20170830-washington_0.jpg  This shows quite graphically why our sun and moon have been so orange these days, and why the smell of smoke has been so strong despite the lack of large fies nearby.  The large...

Column: From the Hill -- More research, please

In this technological age, information and innovation are seen as the key to building a strong, healthy economy, and the key to information is research.  As post-secondary education critic for the NDP, I have talked to many university and college representatives about their concerns and needs.  These representatives range...

Op/Ed: Extreme storms like Harvey and climate change: 'This is the new reality.'

By Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams.  This article was originally published in Common Dreams. As Hurricane Harvey continues to batter Texas—and as the death toll from monsoon flooding in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh surpasses 1,200—experts are putting a spotlight on how climate change is linked to the "unprecedented"...

What you need to know about NAFTA's investigation into tar sands tailings leaks

By James Wilt.  This article originally appeared on Desmog Canada. For years environmental organizations have called on the federal government to do something about the leakage of  billions of litres of toxic chemicals from Alberta’s oilsands tailings ponds into the Athabasca River every year. And for years they’ve been ignored...

Editorial: On pain, drugs and addiction

The opioid crisis is deeply troubling, for many reasons.  One reason is the tragic deaths of so many, so unnecessarily; another reason is the likelihood that those deaths were precipitated by pain, either physical or psychological, that caused a search for relief in the illicit drugs that were fatally used. Another reason is...

One of the region's largest employers gets sold to multi-national company

An offer is on the table to sell one of the region's largest private companies and employers later in the fall as Pacific Insight's board of directors and officers have agreed to sell to a multi-national corporation. On Aug. 1 Pacific Insight Electronics Corp. entered into a definitive agreement with Methode Electronics Inc....

'Out of the Interior' -- coming to a small-town theatre near you

In recent years, major Canadian cities have seen the demise of many long-standing single-screen movie houses. In quick succession, Vancouver lost the Hollywood, Denman and Ridge theatres. In Burnaby, Surrey, Victoria and Kelowna, still more marquee lights were permanently switched off, suggesting a trend alarming to movie-lovers:...

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