

Council gets down to business: grants in aid, bylaws ...

Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Scott Forsythe, Chris Bowman, Dirk Lewis, Stewart Spooner, Janice Nightingale, and Andy Morel. Staff present:CAO Bryan Teasdale, Executive Assistant Alison Worsfold, Chief Financial Officer Elma Hamming, Manager of Operations Darrin Albo, City Planner Stacey Lightbourne, and Manager...

Op/Ed: Climate 'State of Play' update

From ECOJUSTICE; by Charles Hatt and Alan Andrews As heatwaves and forest fires broke out across Canada last summer, Ecojustice analyzed the “climate state of play.” Now, we’re back with an update. In the months since Ecojustice’s last analysis of the ‘climate state of play’ in Canada, the...

COLUMN: Politicians who deny reality aren't fit to lead

When faced with conclusive evidence of a major threat to citizens, a true leader would do everything possible to confront it. So, what was the U.S. president’s reaction to a U.S. scientific report compiled by more than 300 scientists and endorsed by a dozen different agencies, including NASA, NOAA and the defence department,...

Opinion: Anti-Bill 69 rhetoric is not only misleading, it's irresponsible

By Anna Johnston, Staff Lawyer with West Coast Environmental Law There has been a rash of complaints lately about efforts to strengthen and streamline federal decision-making on projects that affect the environment through Bill C-69. They originate from a small but organized group based in Alberta, primarily connected to the...

New Council gets its feet wet with a long agenda

Editor’s Note: These reports on Rossland City Council meetings are intended to be as complete and as neutral as reasonably possible, so that residents can track Council’s decisions and also better understand what the job of Council entails.   Report: Regular Meeting of Rossland City Council, November 26, 2018 Present:  Mayor...

Dams and Earthquakes: Austin Engineering Honoured Again

Austin Engineering Ltd. and its team of like-minded partners are constantly analyzing dams, including how they react during earthquakes. The innovative thinkers are pleased to announce that their research, recently presented at the Canadian Dam Association, has received another accolade: the Clean Energy BC ‘Operational...

B.C. environmental assessment overhaul marred by deficiencies, scientists say

Nearly 180 scientists say impending legislation leaves the task of collecting evidence for major project reviews to proponents — without adequate independence, transparency or scientific rigour. By Sarah Cox for The Narwhal Simon Fraser University scientist Michael Price was in his office on Saturday, putting the finishing ...

Op/Ed: 100% Renewable Energy for BC

By Marc Lee, for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, from Policy Note It is well established that we need targets and timelines for reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are causing climate change. BC’s latest targets include a 40% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 80% by 2050. And...

Letter: What we can do

Don’t worry! The Group of Twenty (G20), composed of nineteen countries (including Canada) and the European Union, will meet in Buenos Aires (Argentina) November 30th and December 1st. By then, newspapers and media analysts will most likely tell us again that they won’t all get along on some major issues during this summit. ...

Editorial: Our Mistaken Society

Can an entire society be mistaken in its values and habits?  Can the economic basis of a society lead to the destruction of our way of life and all that supports it?  Judging by what our global society is undergoing right now, the answer is yes.  Can we change our erroneous ways, and if we can change them, can we change them...

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