

Rossland City Council Meetings, April 20, 2020 -- held by Zoom

Editor’s Note:  This report attempts to capture the substance of the meetings and to include all information of importance, but not every comment or question is included.       Councillors Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Janice Nightingale, Dirk Lewis, Andy Morel, Stewart Spooner, and Chris Bowman.         1.     ...

Column: From the Hill -- About the bailout funds

On Friday, the federal government rolled out its long-awaited initiative to support the oil and gas sector., a sector hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and the world-wide lockdowns that have ensued.  Oil prices, already low at $50 per barrel, plunged as demand dropped.  Within weeks, a barrel of Western Canada Select was...

Teck creates fund to help with COVID-19

VANCOUVER, BC, April 16, 2020:  Teck Resources Limited  (“Teck”) today announced the creation of a $20-million fund to support COVID-19 response and future recovery efforts. This funding will go to support critical social initiatives and increased healthcare capacity, including procuring one million masks to be donated for ...

Local face shield production expanded

Austin Innovation is scaling the production of medical face shields from their lab in Trail, BC as a stopgap measure to meet the demand for COVID-19-specific personal protective equipment (PPE). The new entity, located in the lower level of Austin Engineering, is part of the collaborative team manufacturing PPE for the medical...

Early prohibition of fires, fireworks throughout BC: UPDATED

In addition to the earlier announcement of an early burning ban across the province to begin on April 16, the province has issued open burning restrictions for all High Smoke Sensitivity Zones across the province until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. These restrictions are directly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- supports for people affected by the pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis continues to dominate the news across the country and around the world.  As the news gets grimmer in other regions, there is growing hope from British Columbia analyses that show the daily increases in cases diminishing.  Our efforts at physical distancing are working, and we must keep up those efforts. ...

EXPLAINER: 10 things you need to know as a barrel of Alberta oil is valued at less than a bottle of maple syrup

As fears intensify that the benchmark price for Alberta’s oilsands crude could drop below zero, we dig into what’s behind the crash, the phenomenon of ‘homeless crude’ and why new pipelines ultimately won’t solve the problem   By Sharon J. Riley for The Narwhal The headlines don’t...

Letter: Invented money and helping each other

Does anyone without an economist's education understand how vast sums of money are "created" when Western, highly-developed economies are in crisis? In 2008/09, trillions of dollars seemed to be conjured out of nothing, to rescue banks, corporations, and finance capitalists in the USA. Then, Wall St. nearly ruined our world...

Column: Knowledge and Wisdom; COVID-19

Let’s come together in these physically distancing times. These are difficult times, especially for people who lack safe shelter, food and other necessities — and for those on the front lines. Even though we must maintain physical distance, we need to come together more than ever. As bad as things are, and could get, compassion...

Province offers guidance to mining and smelting operations during COVID‐19

As challenges caused by novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to shift, the B.C. government and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer (PHO), are taking unprecedented measures to slow transmission. On March 16, 2020, Henry issued an order under the Public Health Act prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people....

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