

Teck ticking along

Teck Trail Operations are busy: they're building a $210 million furnace to triple their electronics recycling capacity, a $125 million acid plant to replace two older ones, and have recently completed a $5.5 million "effluent spill reduction project" that modified 245 locations within their operations and significantly reduced...

Broadband: creating opportunity in our local rural lifestyle communities

There is a discussion brewing in many of our communities right now about the opportunity to access broadband. If your community is in the Columbia Basin catchment area like my home town of Rossland the conversation is likely taking place for you as well. The Columbia Basin Trusts subsidiary Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation is offering […]

Selkirk College celebrates Teck Metals Ltd. and art

Selkirk College celebrated Teck Metals Trail Operation’s contribution to the Aboriginal Gathering Place, Thursday May 31. Carol Vanelli Worosz, Communications Manager for Teck Metals Ltd., in Trail, accepted a hand crafted metal art sculpture commissioned from B.C. Aboriginal artist, Clint George, in recognition of Teck’s...

FortisBC earns national ENERGY STAR award

FortisBC’s unique approach in encouraging customers to save energy and purchase ENERGY STAR products has earned it the ENERGY STAR Utility of the Year (Regional) award at a ceremony this week in Ottawa.  “Providing our electricity customers with rebates for the most energy efficient products available is an important way we...

BC Transit to unify services across RDCK and RDKB

The vision of a unified transit system covering both the Kootenay Boundary and Central Kootenay regions is a step closer to reality, according to Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. Chernoff is also chair of the newly-formed West Kootenay Transit Committee, which had its first meeting Wednesday. “We met yesterday with BC Transit, and that’s when it […]

WestJet one step closer to Castlegar?

WestJet has asked representatives of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Advisory Committee to meet with airline staff later this month to discuss why WestJet should come to Castlegar (see also: http://castlegarsource.com/news/westjet-clarifies-invitation-19383). Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Nelson mayor John Dooley, city manager John Malcolm and former MP (and air traffic controller) Jim Gouk will be among the […]

Council to consider a broadband fibre optic Internet service

On Monday evening, Coun. Jody Blomme expressed her "passionate" interest in hooking Rossland up to the high speed Internet framework offered by the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), and council agreed with Blomme’s proposal to receive a presentation by the CBBC's chief operating officer, Mark Halwa. Halwa's...

DCCs are dead, city moves towards new ways to recover development infrastructure costs

Council finalized the repeal of both Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and the Regional District Sewer Service Cost Recovery Service (SSCR) on Monday, and now staff will begin to draft a new development charge to help the municipality recover infrastructure costs incurred by new development. Statutory approval for the DCC repeal...

New duplex to be built on St. Paul Street

Council recently rezoned 2720 St. Paul Street to "R-2S two family detached residential small lot" from "R-1I infill residential," allowing developer Kevin Fairweather of K2 Contracting Ltd to proceed with his plans to build a duplex on the 323 square metre (3477 square foot) lot. The adjacent property, 2732 St. Paul, was...

Date set for BC Family Day in February

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the government of B.C. Premier Christy Clark, along with Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government were joined by local families at the Vancouver Aquarium today to announce that B.C.'s Family Day will take place on the second Monday in...

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