

KAST to offer BC Venture Acceleration Program

BCIC today welcomed the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) as a partner offering the BC Venture Acceleration Program. KAST in Rossland and the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) in Cranbrook are both joining a provincewide network of partners offering a structured venture growth program to BC tech...

BC government announces skills training program for the Kootenays

The following is a press release issued by the B.C. governement: The Kootenay Regional Workforce Table has completed a skills training plan that will help ensure communities in the region have skilled workers to fill both current and future jobs. The Kootenay Regional Workforce Table (RWT) is the third in B.C. to create a...

Trail Brewing comes home with opening of Rossland location

A year after they opened up their business in Trail, Trail Brewing has made the move up the hill and has opened their doors in the heart of Rossland. The duo of Petri Raito and Ryan Arnaud have taken their love of brewing, and brought it closer to home.     Their new location, at 2123 Columbia Avenue, will continue to provide...

Celgar to cut 85 jobs at Castlegar mill

Celgar managing director of operations Kevin Anderson told The Source today that 85 jobs will be cut from the mill over the next five years, most within the coming year. He said no single portion of the mill or the staff base will be targeted, with the workforce reduction taking place mill-wide, across most departments. "We...

OP/ED: MLA says Kootenay jobs at risk

A secret 10-year deal signed by forest minister Steve Thomson could have significant implications on B.C.’s pulp mills, including Celgar, says New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy. “We know that mills are having to pay more to get fiber, and we know that as the timber supply problem gets worse, it’s only going to get harder for ...

Rossland tech firm poised for rapid growth with $2 million investment

Fulcrum Management Solutions Ltd., makers of Thoughtstreamannounces the successful closing of its third investment round of two million dollars led by Toronto’s First Generation Capital Inc.  “This is an exciting investment,” said Ian Ihnatowycz, President and CEO of First Generation Capital Inc.  “I’ve been very impressed ...

CBT asks residents to rank priorities

People throughout the Basin have given Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) their input on the key social, economic and environmental issues in their region, and how to address them. Now the public—those who completed the first step, plus anyone else who wishes to join the process—is invited to help increase understanding of the region’s...

BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline

The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...

Rossland Energy Diet goes viral across Kootenays

The enormously successful Rossland Energy Diet pilot project has spawned the Kootenay Energy Diet as Fortis BC now pounds regional pavement to drum up municipal support and homeowner interest in a slough of rebates and other incentives to improve the energy efficiency of residential and business buildings.   Pictured...

COMMENT: Free Range! Organic! Local! Or none of the above...

Are you jaded yet? When you pick up a box at the store and read "natural," does that roll-the-eyes impulse tickle your oculomotor nerves? Sure does mine, a right twitch. "Natural" hardly means natural anymore, just like "free range" seems to allow, "We left the door open to their patch of poor pasture," and "organic" means,...

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