Columbia Basin Culture Tour fast approaching - and free!
Taking place Aug. 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., the Columbia Basin Culture Tour allows you to explore artists' studios, museums, art galleries and heritage sites during this free, self-guided event. Travel to studios and archives that aren't normally open, see demonstrations, new exhibitions and collections or meet people...
Explosive excitement on tap at 2015 Firefighter Games in Pass Creek
The term ‘explosive’ is an exaggeration often used to get people excited about something, but make no mistake – it’s a 100-per-cent-accurate description of the Firefighter Games (see attached video, in which the 2014 opening ceremonies include blowing up a car and RV, and check out the resulting 100-plus-foot fireball). Family...
South African Star to Perform at July 28 'Music in the Park'
Following an appearance at the Vancouver Folk Festival, African folk singer Bongeziwe Mabandla will perform at a special Kootenay Savings Music in the Park concert on Tuesday, July 28. Mabandla calls himself a folk singer, yet his expressive voice evokes the emotions of pure Soul; his music is drawn from an eclectic mix of ...
The Gold Fever Follies -- Song, Laughter, Colour and Action!
The storyline is new to the Gold Fever Follies, but familiar to us all -- a love forbidden because of prejudice and animosity between two factions -- in this case, two communities: Rossland and Trail. Audience members will recognize many allusions to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, as well as some direct quotes, such...
Rossland Public Library Hours Changing
The Rossland Public Library is adjusting its hours, starting June 27. With the library’s operating funding short-fall this year, library staff took a close look at library usage and found that Wednesdays after 5pm and Saturdays before noon were very quiet. In order to remain within budget, hours at those times of low...
Filmmakers take note -- Daryl Duke Prize
Calling all filmmakers! The Daryl Duke Foundation announces a $25,000 prize for excellence in either a treatment or a screenplay for an unproduced long-form dramatic film telling a fictional story. The deadline for entries is September 30, 2015. Interested? To learn more, go to
Youth program offers $5,000 for small business start-ups
Community Futures Central Kootenay is looking for five youth under 30 to participate in a brand new entrepreneurship program called Youth Mean Business, which will provide up to $5,000 in funding and training to help them launch their own small business. The program will begin mid-July and will support participants for up to...
City plans all wheel park for under-used portion of Gyro
The City of Trail has decided to postpone the All Wheel Park telephone survey that was to commence early this week by GDH Solutions and Discovery Research. This decision was made after city council agreed to proceed with a Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program grant application for $350,000 that would go towards...
Kicking off Kootenay Festival's most exciting year yet!
What started five years ago as a fairly small community gathering has grown to include exciting and dynamic offerings ranging from entertainment and vendors to hot-air-balloon and kayak rides. Kootenay Festival - Let's Celebrate is presented in partnership by the RDCK, Castlegar Arts Council and the Castlegar and District...
Taking over the Big Apple — Selkirk's Kiesza, Parenteau get gig on ABC's Good Morning America
It was a Selkirk College reunion that played out before millions of television viewers across Canada and the United States on Wednesday morning. Selkirk College Contemporary Music & Technology Program Instructor Gilles Parenteau and program alumna Kiesza performed together on ABC’s Good Morning America, the number-one...