

Get yer garters, girls! Boomtown dance troupe recruiting

They count amongst their number a doctor, several teachers, and a well-known local artist. But these lovely Rossland ladies have something rather less serious in common. They've got legs (and swirling skirts) and know how to use 'em. Do you? The Boomtown Garter Girls, the Golden City's long-lived cancan troupe, is currently...

Wine, chocolate and chamber music aim to crack the code of the BMO safe

The next round of the Rouge Music series is gearing up for a Valentine’s Day love-in at the Rouge Gallery and this time the organizers have a mission: to crack into the old bank vault in the back of the former bank. Starting on Monday through the Rouge Music’s season end performance in May, the folks at the gallery will be ...

CONTEST: Win tickets for two to an evening of comedy and music

Kirk Orr of Spokane, a 30 year veteran of the entertainment industry peddling his unique blend of music and comedy will be making his first return to Rossland in 15 years this Saturday night at The Red Room.  Having got his big break playing the Mike Douglas show years ago, Orr has since played stages around the world opening...

'Afghan Eyes' focuses on Mir Centre and Touchstones Nelson

Nelson and Castlegar: Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace in Castlegar in partnership with Touchstones Nelson – Museum of Art and History are sharing the exhibition Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes 2010; an alternate perspective about the realities of life in the province of Kandahar. The Kandahar Through Afghan Eyes 2010 exhibit is a series of 30 photographs accompanied by a […]

Ipswich, England serial murders to be adapted into 'musical'

 The Ipswich serial murders, in which five female prostitutes were killed in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, are to be turned into a show entitled London Road. The “documentary musical” is expected to debut in the Royal National Theatre in London this April. The concept has been criticised. When ITN conducted some vox populi interviews, members of the public reacted negatively: “[A]lmost makes it seem a bit light-hearted, doesn’t it? […]

Support sought for big, bronze Olaus statue

If the Spirit of Red society has its way, the hill-bound hitchhikers milling about by the Bank of Montreal building might soon be spending their mornings in the big, bronzed company of Olaus Jeldness, the patron saint of Rossland ski culture. The society has now raised $6,000 toward the statue of the historical figure, expected...

COMMENT: Congrats on a wonderful winter carnival, Rossland

Saturday. I knew I was in trouble within the first few minutes of the remarkable Ski Bum musical, when everyone around me began roaring with recognition at each bum-based joke and I caught myself identifying sheepishly with the awkward anthropologist. In brief, the trouble is this: I love my toque, but I still take it off...

War of words underway at MacLean Elementary as MacLean Reads kicks off

There’s a battle of the books going on over at MacLean elementary school these days as a group of fourth and fifth grade readers duke it with fists of fiction over whose chosen book is best.  Sparked by an idea that was sparked by an idea, the genesis of MacLean Reads lies in CBC’s Canada Reads competition. Canada Reads sees...

Salmo’s Songbird: Introducing Kyla Hanna

I often lament that there simply is not enough heavy metal music in the Kootenays, yet I certainly don’t want anyone thinking there is no quality music around here, or any talent of equal calibre as some of the Finnish power metal I enjoy so much. Joe Hill Coffee House on January 16 might not have had any metal in it, but it...

Creating lifelong readers for Family Literacy Day

Developing literacy skills begins at home. Whether it’s a book, board game, magazine, newspaper or website, all British Columbians are being encouraged to take part in a literacy activity with their families for 15 minutes at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 27 to celebrate Family Literacy Day. Today and throughout this week, events celebrating literacy […]

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