
The kids are OK: RSS Grade Two class wins national award

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
June 25th, 2017

Present:  Mayor Kathy Moore and Councillors John Greene, Lloyd McLellan, Andrew Zwicker, and Andy Morel.  Absent:  Marten Kruysse and Aaron Cosbey.

Moore shared a bit of good news before the meeting got under way:  she reported that Rossland Summit School’s Grade Two class won the Jack Layton Award for Youth Action in Sustainability, and $500, for their performance in the “Bio-blitz.”  Congratulations to the RSS Grade Two class!

Having done their homework, Council was able to pass a motion confirming four existing policies without further discussion:   on Freedom of the City, Half-Masting of the Canadian Flag, Retirement Gifts, and Speed Limit.

Council then received and considered the City’s Annual Report for 2016 and set July 17 as the date for hearing public input on the report and answering questions about it.  The Annual Report for 2016 can be found in the Council Agenda Package for the meeting of June 22.

At the previous meeting, Council had discussed the Good Neighbour Bylaw and agreed on some changes; those were incorporated into the draft presented to this meeting as Bylaw #2631, and Council voted unanimously to give it first reading.

Council looked at the Tourism Rossland minutes of their meeting on June 15, and McLellan noted that a local Lions Club member had been discouraged by the lack of coverage, or any mention at all, of the Rossland Lions Campground  in publicity videos for the area. 

Council considered a message received from a resident about the City’s earlier intention to stop doing snow removal on her street.  The resident will be informed that the policy will be up for review at a future meeting.

Another resident sent a message complaining about light pollution from a street light of the old, 33-foot-tall “cobra head” variety, located in the middle of the block right outside his house, which shines into his house.  Chief Administrative Officer Bryan Teasdale noted that City staff are tracking all resident input on street lights now, but will not be taking action on any individual requests  immediately.

After a few other housekeeping items, Greene reported that the Piano in the Park will be installed shortly, and also that his family has a nice little piano to donate to the Miners Hall.

Morel reported on an agreement being worked on between the United Church and a potential tenant, which will enable the Church to continue and will also benefit the tenant.  (Your reporter later contacted the potential tenant, who indicated that the agreement has  not been finalized yet, and didn’t want news reports  released about it until it has been finalized. The Rossland Telegraph will report on the details, soon.)

Council then recessed to an in camera  session, and your reporter walked home in a fine evening, contemplating the many improvements in educational methodology since — well, a long time ago!

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