
In Support of Local Business

By Contributor
January 11th, 2016

(Open letter to Gary Omand of Sodastream)

Hello, Gary:

I was just informed by Dawn of Bear Country Kitchen in Rossland, BC, that she will no longer be carrying the soda stream refill cartridges because the Soda Stream Company feels she does not do enough business compared to Walmart or Canadian Tire — or “Big Box” stores.  This is exactly the kind of move that leads to the degradation of our beautiful small towns in Canada where fortunately many people choose to live for the improved “quality of life” they offer.  Many of us do not support the Big Box stores and choose instead to support the people who live and work right here in our community, like Dawn.

I am requesting that you reconsider your stand on this.  The residents of Rossland are a very health/environmental conscious and outdoor/sport oriented group and I have personally recommended the Soda Stream to many friends for not just reasons of health but also because it saves the environment from all the plastic water bottles we would otherwise use.  The carbon footprint I would create if I had to drive to the Walmart to exchange my cartridge is not insignificant!  Unfortunately, it is not economical for me and many others to drive to Walmart which means I will now have to buy bottled soda water at the local grocery store.

If your company markets themselves as a “green” alternative, this decision goes against all common sense!

Thank you for supporting our community!


Rosemary Adamick

Categories: BusinessHealth

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