
Outdoor Classroom Build a Success!

By Contributor
June 17th, 2015

By Caley Mulholland

As of Monday morning, students and visitors to Jubilee Field in Rossland have been enjoying a new spot to hang out. Over the weekend, a lively and efficient volunteer work crew, including Mayor Moore, planted trees and shrubs at the new outdoor classroom space and forest walk on the East side of Jubilee Field. 

Since planning for this project got underway a couple of years ago, there have been many conversations about the importance of nature in our lives. Being immersed in nature is not only important for our health, but also for learning about ecosystems first-hand. 

This greening project initiated by the RSS Parent Advisory Council ties into the rising trend to connect with nature and be active in the outdoors. 

Just last week while the hardscaping for the outdoor classroom was underway, the health and well-being organization ParticipACTION, released their Report Card on the state of physical activity of Canadian youth. They identified keeping kids indoors as the biggest threat to health! 

ParticipACTION concluded that “access to active play in nature and outdoors—with its risks—is essential for healthy child development. We recommend increasing children’s opportunities for self-directed play outdoors in all settings—at home,at school, in child care, the community and nature.” 

There are still a few finishing touches planned for the outdoor classroom project at Jubilee Park and the official opening of the space will take place next fall when school is back in session. 

This project was made possible entirely through donations, grants and volunteer time. The RSS PAC would like to extend their thanks to the project sponsors: PowderPig Excavation Services, The Nelson District Credit Union, ATCO Wood Products, The City of Rossland, Columbia Basin Trust and all the parent and community sponsors who contributed to our Yodel campaign.

To read  the full particiPACTION report , click on this link:


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