Rossland Non-Profit Collaboration Night- May 28!
You are invited to a collaborative evening for local organisations to learn, share and coordinate!
Our goal with this event- is to assist non-profit organisations to improve their capacity, increase efficiency, reduce duplication of services and encourage greater collaboration between groups.
Employees, volunteers, directors are all invited to attend- even if you just want to find out about some of the different organisations and aren’t involved yet. So please feel free to forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested.
The evening will begin with an opportunity to visit different non-profit displays. 16 non-profits will have a table which will be set up around the exterior of the hall. Each of them will create a display about their organisation, and their projects. If you are interested in booking a table- please contact Deanne Steven in advance by May 15th at This opportunity is free!
After a chance to mingle, and check out the displays, grab a drink and some food for our presentations.
Presentations will include:
- Deanne Steven Non-Profit 101– briefly outline what a non-profit is, and review some of the administration requirements.
- Non-profit “Elevator Pitch”– 10 non-profits will have a 3 minute opportunity and 2 powerpoint slides to describe their organisation, and what their priorities are. Must preregister with Deanne Steven by May 15th! email: There is no cost to this opportunity!
- City of Rossland- outline the new City of Rossland non-profit grant procedure, necessary information and timelines.
- Pinnacle Professional Accounting– Jeff Ross- GST for non-profits, Canada Revenue Returns, Charity vs Non-profit
- Columbia Basin Trust CBT- Kelvin Saldern– How to build a great project!
Finally, we will conclude the evening by breaking out into roundtable discussions on issues such as; marketing, volunteer recruitment, grant writing, general collaboration.
Cash bar by the Rossland Arts Council and Free Pizza!
Special thank you to the City of Rossland for the donation of the use of the Miner’s Hall
Thank you to Tourism Rossland for allowing us to use Constant Contact
Register here.