
Student receives provincial award and national accolade for Remembrance Day poem

Andrew Bennett
By Andrew Bennett
April 13th, 2012

Rossland’s own Sophie DeRosa has earned a top spot among Canada’s young literati for her poem, “A Day to Remember Our Soldiers,” that she submitted to the annual literary and poster contest sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion.

Poppy chairperson Bobbi Lafond of Rossland’s Legion Branch No. 14 was “jumping for joy” at the big announcement that DeRosa’s poem had earned first place in the “junior poem” category of the BC-Yukon Command, and the poem went on to earn an honourable mention at the Dominion (national) level.


“This young lady entered her poem and it won first at Legion No. 14, then at the [West Kootenay] Zone, and now she’s won first at the Pacific Command,” Lafond said, elated.


Zone Commander Bill McGuire joined Lafond and Legion No. 14 president Doug Halladay at a brief award ceremony held Tuesday morning at RSS.


“It’s a great achievement,” McGuire said. “Keep up the good work.”


When the cheers of the other students in the room had quieted down, McGuire reminded them that the poster and literary contest runs every year, and there are “great rewards for good work.”


Halladay added, “Sophie just picked up a cheque for $125,” on top of winnings she had earned at the branch and zone levels.


Halladay said the distinction of an honourable mention set DeRosa at the “top of the pack,” among the best young writers from across the country who entered the competition. DeRosa’s name will be published in this year’s booklet of national winners.


The annual contest is open to all students from Grades 1 to 12, and has run for many years to foster the tradition of remembrance among Canadians.



A Day To Remember Our Soldiers ~ Sophie DeRosa


The soldiers gave their lives to defend

They say a prayer for war to end


Whether fighting in desert sand, rain or mud

Landscapes soaking up their blood


Another war, lives turned to dust

The only thing they had was trust


They lay in graves so far from home

Their families shattered, now all alone


 All those courageous young men who took part

And bravely defended us with all their heart


Remember those who fought before

Remember those still at war


On November 11 and every day 

Be thinking of the soldiers in every way


As our anthem plays, sing clear and loud

And on Remembrance Day, wear poppies proud


We thank all Veterans for their choice

And perhaps one day we will all rejoice.

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