
Seven summits signage to improve

Andrew Zwicker
By Andrew Zwicker
October 20th, 2010

Tourism Rossland’s signage campaign is looking into an opportunity to roll with the punches and keep the next phase of their signage program going, albeit different signs in a different location than originally planned.
Funded through the Resort Municipality Tax Transfer program with the province of BC, the first two signs in the strategy were erected this past summer near the Esso station and below Redstone on the Schofield Hwy. The next phase of the plan was to erect three additional welcome and directional signs along Columbia pointing out landmarks such as City Hall, the museum, the pool etc.
Due to the planned reconstruction of Columbia Avenue next year those signs will have to wait. Not wanting to stall the signage plan however Tourism Rossland and their board of directors is looking into redirecting the monies for next year into two new signs at the Seven Summits trailheads.
“Rather than delaying the signage program for 2011, our Board felt that the installation of the Seven Summits Trail signs would have a similarly positive outcome while maintaining the momentum of our signage strategy,” explained Christine Andison, President of Tourism Rossland. “As you know the Province of BC is very keen to see results and this would allow us to keep the project going during this time.”
Whether or not the money allotted from the Resort Municipality Tax Transfer program is able to be used for these different signs than planned is currently in question with Tourism Rossland seeking out the answers.
Currently ( although undergoing a shakeup and reorganization) the Resort Municipality Tax Transfer program requires the resort municipality first to come up with a strategy for what they’ll use the annual funds for which is approved by the province for a set period of time. Should a municipality wish to alter where they direct the funds they would need to revisit the various stakeholders, put together a new strategy and resubmit to the province.
Whether that is needed in this particular case is yet to be determined. It is suspected by Tourism Rossland that they may be able to continue on as is as the money is still going towards a signage strategy; they would just do a different set of signs next year rather than the Columbia Avenue project. Tourism and the City of Rossland will be working in cooperation on the project over the next several months to determine if they can shift funding to the new signs.
During discussion at the regular council meeting this past Monday several councilors heartily supported the initiative to promote one of Rossland’s major tourism assets; an internationally rated Epic bike trail that is one of less than 40 so trails on the planet.
“I suggest given we have an internationally recognized epic trail in our backyard that setting up directional signage for it is a no brainer,” added Councillor Kathy Wallace.
Deanne Steven of Tourism Rossland also noted that “The Seven Summits has been one of our biggest single tourism drivers in the summer months. Given its significance to Rossland we think it should have its own signage.”
The signs themselves would be installed along Highway 3B to direct traffic to the trail heads and is estimated to cost up to $3,000. Appearance wise the signs would follow the uniform style that has been used for provincial parks recreation sites and trails. The Seven Summits qualifies for this type of signage as it is an approved recreational trail with the Province of BC.
If ultimately approved work on the two new signs would go ahead for next construction season. It is expected that following the Columbia Avenue rebuild in years to come, pending the outcome of the Resort Municipality programs reorganization the downtown sign projects could go ahead in future years.

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