GALLERY: Huck en Berries Bike Jam at the Fat Tire Festival
The first ever Fat Tire Festival went off without a hitch last weekend at Red Mountain. The weather gods smiled on the event as bright, cool weather was the order of the day. Please see the Telegraph’s photo gallery of Saturday’s Huck en Berry’s Bike Jam with photos by Liam Barnes: it will give the non-attendee a vivid picture of the two-wheeled madness that took place on the snowless slopes of everybody’s favourite mountain.
Below, please find the results of the Dreadhead All-Mountain Challenge, also held Saturday:
Open Pro:
1. Eric Goss
2. Rob McNair
3. Patrick Walker
Women’s Open:
1. Andrea MacCormick
2. Karen Reader
3. Alison McLeod
Senior Men (20-39)
1. Shane D’Appolonica
2. Frith Murray
3. Jacob Dulisse
Master Men (40+)
1. Stewart Spooner
2. Rupert Keiller
3. Steve Spencer
Jr. Men (15-19)
1. Cody Cup
Fastest overall combined time:
Men: Rob McNair, 33:58:51
Women: Karen Reader, 44:11:36