LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City Administrator Resignation
Dear Editor,
A leadership vacuum is developing at Rossland City Hall. As many people know by now, the City’s Administrator, Ron Campbell resigned early last week.
I wish I could provide more details about his resignation but I can’t. I don’t know any details. Mayor Greg Granstrom has refused to circulate Mr. Campbell’s letter of resignation to council and a meeting of council to discuss the issue will not be held until next week.
The Administrator reports to all of council, not the mayor. Council is responsible for all issues surrounding the Administrator’s tenure. It is the mayor’s responsibility to convene a meeting so that council can decide what steps must be taken. That he has failed to do so is disturbing.
Mayor Granstrom has often spoken about the need for better communication
between City Hall and the citizens of Rossland. Perhaps he should start by
improving communications with his fellow council members. His lack of action
on this very important issue is certainly not an example of effective or efficient leadership.
I think Mayor Granstrom needs to remember that he was only elected mayor. He
was not anointed as Emperor of the Mountain Kingdom.
Laurie Charlton
Rossland, BC