

By Contributor
March 26th, 2009

Dear editor:

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday March 26th, is the day of action to keep our rivers wild and our power public.

Every step of the way, this campaign has been successfully pushed forward by you. Without all of us out there talking to our family, friends and neighbours, this issue wouldn’t be on front pages, TV screens, and radios, and in the hearts of minds of people all across BC. Thank you for helping get the word out about the threat to our rivers and streams.

Now it’s time to make sure we translate all that awareness into action. Remember to call your MLA and the Premier. We need a moratorium on power projects until they are environmentally appropriate, regionally planned, acceptable to First Nations and publicly owned. Let’s do green power right.

Here are three steps to keep our rivers wild and power public

1) Contact the Premier

Phone: 604 660-3202 or 250 387-1715
Fax: 604 660-5488 or 250 387-0087

Or try Service BC and ask for the Premier’s office

In Victoria call: 387-6121
In Vancouver call: 604 660-2421
Elsewhere in B.C. call: 1 800 663-7867

or send him an email:


2) Find Your MLA!


3) Tell a friend!

All of us together can make a huge difference. There’s been a surge in awareness about the threat to BC rivers. Hundreds of people came out to a public meeting last night in Powell River. This past week we found out about rallies in Kelowna and Vernon tomorrow. There was a great editorial on this issue in the Victoria Times Colonist this morning and we’ll be on the radio in the Kootenays Thursday. The Globe and Mail did a story today on how this campaign has gone viral. Let’s make this wave a big one!

Check out www.tenthousandvoices.org for events in your community!

Andrew Radzik
Outreach Director
Wilderness Committee

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