

Council of Canadians calls for fracking ban in lead-up to Global Frackdown

Ottawa – On the eve of the Global Frackdown – the Council of Canadians is calling for a ban, or at the very least a moratorium, onfrackingfrom coast to coast. The Council points to the fact that evenanalysts of the industryhave acknowledgedthat fracking fluids won’t be safe for human consumption within the next five years, ...

Council of Canadians calls on premiers to take Vermont’s lead and ban fracking

Following Vermont’s ban on hydraulic fracturing last month, the Council of Canadians has written to the premiers of the provinces and territories across Canada asking that they follow suit. “Last month, the state of Vermont took action to protect water sources and to curb demands on fossil fuels. Provincial governments should...

Beyond Harper: Rebuilding community

Of all the appalling abuses of democracy and ruthless dismantling of the country represented by Bill C-38 one stands out of as representative of the right wing dystopia that Stephen Harper has in store for the 99 per cent. And that is the mentality and ideology behind the draconian changes to EI. This is particularly true of...

Politicians are a shadow. What casts the shadow?

I have been writing about politics lately.  Now I will turn my attentions to a wider subject, minds and consciousness. It is a great virtue of history that—through its study--people can be cured of thinking they are undergoing something unique, when in historical fact something very similar has happened before. Harper is in...

Renos a sign of housing markets maintaining across Canada

An estimated 1.7 million households in 10 major centres undertook renovations in 2011 according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC’s) Renovation and Home Purchase Survey released today. This represents about 37 per cent of homeowner households, a slight decrease from 42 per cent, or 1.9 million households, in...

LETTER: Quebec protests about much more than tuition

Greetings to you, my friends in the Rest of Canada (ROC)   I am writing you because i am really concerned that English Canada is not getting good information on what is happening right now in Québec.  Particularly lamentable is the CBC and the Globe and Mail.  And, apparently, Maclean’s.   You...

What is to be done when 'Harper is us'?

There is one basic, foundational ground on which all politics in Canada must find traction, or not have any effect. This is it. Less than 15% of the people are "political" as part of their daily thinking and activity. They are the few to whom the actions of politicians, and their words and opinions, matter. The rest are not...


Stephen Harper, too, shall pass into history, recorded as one of the most destructive, personally malignant personalities ever to have soiled the Canadian political landscape. But in the meantime, Canadians are so distracted by his political blitzkrieg through the agencies, policies, programs and institutions that make Canada...

Erna Paris to receive WFM – Canada World Peace Award

Acclaimed Canadian author Erna Paris is the 2012 recipient of the WFM - Canada World Peace Award. The award, to be presented July 12 in Winnipeg, recognizes an outstanding Canadian whose work advances awareness and action in support of a more peaceful future for humanity. Paris (www.ernaparis.com) is the author of seven books...

Expect more from your government

Something is happening in Canada that seems, in the context of a majority Harper government, counter-intuitive. Harper continues implementing his right-wing revolution by fiat, and Preston Manning’s “democracy” institute says Canadians actually want “less” government and more individual responsibility. Yet a flurry of polls...

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