

AGLG Report on Rossland, Part 2, Released

The Auditor General for Local Government (AGLG) has just released Part 2 of the City of Rossland’s audit, which focused on Capital Procurement Projects and Asset Management. The report concludes that the City needs to build on the asset management work it has already started and to move forward with creating an Asset Management...

A Big Change at City Hall

The City of Rossland is undergoing a significant change within its senior management.  City Hall will be losing veteran employee Tracey Butler.  Council wishes to thank her for her long service and dedication to the City of Rossland as she pursues new opportunities. Mayor Moore said, “Tracey has spent her entire local government...

WATER WEEK in a Time of Climate Change

It's Water Week!  And Rossland residents know that this year's snowpack is low.  That spells less water for the summer, more restrictions on sprinkling, more fire hazard for the region -- unless it rains frequently during the warmer months.  Water expert Dr. Hans Schreier has described Rossland's water supply as "precarious." ...

Alien Invaders are Here!

It's almost Spring -- the weeds will soon be flourishing.   Many noxious invasive weeds are busy taking over Rossland and environs:  Orange Hawkweed,  Japanese Knotweed,  Burdock,  Spotted Knapweed, Common  Tansy, Hoary Alyssum,  Field Bindweed, and many more.  (Click on their names to learn more.) Japanese Knotweed is very...

$300,000 Grant for Miners Hall Restoration

Miners Hall Renovation granted $300,000 by Columbia Basin Trust With the announcement of a $300,000 grant from the Columbia Basin Trust,  the renovation and restoration of the Rossland Miners Union Hall is one step closer to reality. “We are very grateful for this show of support from  Columbia Basin Trust,” said Renate...

Pondering Gods, Giants, Trees, Wars ...

I used to walk like a giant on the land.Now I feel like a leaf floating in a stream.                      -- Neil Young Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses…                In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning.                                                          ...

Early spring-like weather leads to early tick season

Despite Mother Nature's last gasp at winter Sunday, it's evident spring weather is here already. And with the early arrival comes more time outside enjoying the wonderful outdoor weather and activities. Howver, the change in weather also brings out ticks – small bugs that feed on the blood of humans and animals and can sometimes...

Mother Nature gives region one last taste of winter

Technically, there are another few days of winter 2015 according to the calendar. And Mother Nature won’t let us forget it despite the spring-like past four weeks. Marc Dale at YRB is advising the travelling public to take extra caution when driving thanks to a late winter storm heading through the West Kootenay. “We have...

Nelson's Amran Bhabra grows/cuts hair for cancer wigs

The Canadian Cancer Society website says it takes eight to 15 ponytails to create one real-hair wig. Nelson’s Amran Bhabra did his part for Cancer by donating two lengths of hair to the next wig during a haircut Saturday at the Root 99 Hair Design Salon on Baker Street. “I first started to grow my hair out for hockey because...

Library Renewal Project Gets Grant

Columbia Basin Trust Commits $75,000 to the Library Renewal Project CBT's Kelvin Saldern brought good news to the Rossland Public Library's board meeting on March 10 -- news of a big boost toward their Renewal Project with a $75,000 grant from CBT.  The project will revitalize the library interior using modern design and...

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