

Council turns green as it considers business bylaw changes to deal with medical marijuana dispensaries

The growing proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries in Nelson not only prompted city council to roll up a change to its business licence bylaw, but it piped up two resolutions directed at upper levels of government to help deal with it. Over the past year, several storefronts — at least five — selling medical marijuana...

Queen's Bay earns National FireSmart recognition

Representatives from FireSmart Canada will be in Queen's Bay next week to present the community with national recognition for its 2015 efforts to be FireSmart the Regional District of Central Kootenay said in a media release Wednesday. “This honour speaks to the incredible commitment and hard work of Queen’s Bay residents to...

Nelson's Dryden Hunt earns WHL Player-of-the-month honours

During the summer, Nelson's Dryden Hunt wasn't really sure where he'd be playing hockey this season. In September, the Moose Jaw Warriors decided to take a chance on the Nelson Minor Hockey grad. The deal, Hunt to Moose Jaw in exchange for a 2nd round pick in 2016 and a 3rd round pick in 2018 back to Medicine Hat Tigers, has...

Syrian Refugee Family on the Way; Fundraising Concert

The West Kootenay Friends of Refugees are getting ready to welcome a family of four Syrian refugees, parents and their two small children, to our area.  Thanks to the generosity of people in Rossland, Trail, Fruitvale and Castlegar, we have raised enough funds to begin the sponsorship of the Abdins, who are expected to arrive...

R.C. Sherriff’s classic World War One drama Journey's End Friday in Nelson

TNT in Nelson presents an epic reading of R.C. Sherriff’s classic World War One dram, Journey's End, Friday at the former Nelson Daily News building on Baker Street. Journey's End is performace by Quinn Baron, Eden Chisholm, Geoff Burns, Rob Andrew, Stephen Fowler, Don Thompson, Brian Deon, Cloud Edwards, Michael Calladine ...

BC SPCA investigation leads charges against four-time offender from Winlaw

A Slocan Valley man has been charged with animal cruelty for the fourth time, following a BC SPCA seizure of 29 animals from a property near Winlaw on Thursday (January 28) the SPCA said Tuesday in a media release. The release said crown counsel has charged Joao (John) Vieira with three counts of animal cruelty under the...

Speed Dating Rossland-Style: Skied Dating!

Are you tired of riding in the singles line?  Skied Dating is the event for you!  On February 13, this Rossland-style speed dating event will take place at RED Mountain Resort.  Right before Valentine's Day. Participants will meet at the bottom of Red Chair at 1pm.  The ride up the chair is your “speed date” and then you ski...

Social Sector Surprises: A Webinar on February 11

With over 150 social non-profits serving our region, it’s no surprise there is diversity in the characteristics, capacity, and approach to providing social services. If there is one thing in common though, along with a passion for helping people, the majority of social non-profits are faced with considerable challenges. “The...

COLUMN: From the Hill; Pipelines are a Hot Topic. An analysis.

Pipelines are a hot topic in Ottawa and across the country these days.  Last Wednesday the Liberals outlined their plans for a revised environmental assessment process for pipelines, and on Thursday the Conservatives put forward a motion asking the House to support the Energy East pipeline. Here is the overall picture: the ...

Twenty Steps for a Healthier Heart

1.   Eat a balanced breakfast every day with equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates in the form of veggies or fruit. This creates slow releasing calories to minimize weight gain and maximize your blood sugar regulation, which reduces stress to the heart 2.   Eat 3 meals per day and eliminate snacks between meals. This...

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