

Columbia River Treaty to be Re-negotiated

Most residents of the Columbia Basin know something about the Columbia River Treaty.   In 1964, Canada and the United States entered into this agreement to construct and operate dams on the upper Columbia River, for flood control and power production to benefit both countries.  Both BC and the US have benefited economically,...

Weather experts say warm, wet winter quite common for an El Niño

While mild temperatures and steady rain have some locals concerned about the rapidly warming globe, weather experts assure The Nelson Daily that the warm and wet weather this winter in the West Kootenay region is par for the course. While global warming is certainly a legitimate concern, and the Nelson area has felt unseasonably...

Report by Director of Police Services finally released; one additional officer and admin position for NPD

One additional officer should be hired for Nelson Police Department said  Director of Police Services, Clayton Pecknold in his report to City Council and Nelson Police Board. The report, which includes Pecknold recommending the addition of an administrative position, was announced in a media release by the City of Nelson...

Those Matching Funds? ALL MATCHED! Thanks, Rosslanders.

UPDATE:  Thanks to generous people donating money to help renovate and repair the Miners Union Hall,  the $25,000 in matching funds have been more than matched:  $27,000 have been contributed during March to help move the project forward.   But it's a big project, and more money must still be raised.  More donations are still...

An Interview With Award-winning Performer Jason Scott

You won't need to ask "Who's Jason Scott?"  if you've seen the posters around town with a mature, hunky-looking guy in a sparkly red shirt, advertising his upcoming show honouring Neil Diamond at the Rossland Legion on March 17 --  yes, St. Patrick's Day. Scott will be appearing in "Diamond Mountain,"  a feature-length...

Youth Soccer Woes, LED Street Lights, Rainbows, Another Guest House, and More

Rossland City Council Meeting, March 7, 2016 Council members present:  Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors John Greene, Andy Morel, Lloyd McLellan,  and Aaron Cosbey.   Absent:  Andrew Zwicker and Marten Kruysse. Staff present:  Consulting CAO Lynne Burch, Interim CFO Steve Ash, Planner Stacey Lightbourne, Manager of Public ...

BC Lung Association steps up to offer short-term radon testing

The BC Lung Association has partnered with Radon Environmental Management Corp to provide a faster way to find out if your home, school or workplace has potentially unhealthy indoor radon levels, the leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.    “Waiting for months to find out if your home, school or workplace’s indoor radon...

OPINION: Why We Privileged Women Should Care About International Women's Day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016:  Today, at Selkirk College in Castlegar, local women are being celebrated for their achievements under our relatively enlightened  culture.    Yesterday, a BC man was sentenced to 21 years in prison without any chance of parole for murdering his ex-girlfriend because he saw her studying at a university...

FortisBC receives approval to build new Kootenay facility in Castlegar

FortisBC said in a media release the company has received regulatory approval from the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to build a new Kootenay Operations Centre in Castlegar, B.C. and will begin construction as early as May. Once complete, the new facility will centralize many key operations to better serve electricity customers...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Parliament Inches Forward on Death with Dignity Legislation

In Parliament we take up and debate issues from across the spectrum, from the relatively simple to the most serious of topics. Recently one of the most serious issues in a long time came before us: Physician-Assisted Dying. On February 6, 2015 the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in the Carter case, finding that Canadians who...

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