

COMMENT: Government has bad case of cold feet on local election rules

Whales have shorter gestation periods. For the third time since the Local Government Elections Task Force tabled its report, the B.C. government has been stricken with a case of cold feet. In 2010, the task force made 31 recommendations to improve local democracy, including: setting campaign spending limits for candidates; ...

Trail Brewing comes home with opening of Rossland location

A year after they opened up their business in Trail, Trail Brewing has made the move up the hill and has opened their doors in the heart of Rossland. The duo of Petri Raito and Ryan Arnaud have taken their love of brewing, and brought it closer to home.     Their new location, at 2123 Columbia Avenue, will continue to provide...

Councillor Gary Smith signs up for the Kootenay Energy Diet

Residents around the Boundary are signing up for the Kootenay Energy Diet and Grand Forks city councillor Gary Smith is one of them. “The assessment’s already been done,” said Smith, adding the process was quick and informative. “The whole thing was done within an hour.” Smith said the certified energy auditor came in and put...

Join Twitter town hall on skills training in B.C.

Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour Pat Bell is asking the public to join in on a Twitter town hall to talk about skills training in B.C. The first two weeks of the Skills for BC engagement have shown that British Columbians are eager to be a part of the solution, to bring forward ideas ...

INTERVIEW: Meet our new CAO, Cecile Arnott

Cecile Arnott is completing her final two weeks as CFO and deputy CAO at the City of Grand Forks as she transitions to her Oct. 1 start date as the CAO/CFO here in Rossland. I met with her on Sept. 13 at City Hall.She was generous with her time and comments, spending 45 minutes fielding a wide variety of questions on management...

Finding Mika's Voice: local family raises funds to take cutting-edge training for autism

Full-size, mounted canvas prints of this Stéphanie Gauvin original are available for only $100 to help support Geneviève Fortin's efforts to attend a unique and intensive course in New York to help her daughter Mika progress with her autism."Mika is amazing," Fortin said. "She loves music, loves people, loves being outside,...

MP calls for change in Canadian international military involvement

As Canada prepares to withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014, it is time to reflect on the future role of our military in the world. Our active involvement in Afghanistan transformed Canada into a “nation at war”. The tragic loss of 158 Canadian men and women to this war along with the enormous price tag of […]

A "distinctive" make-over and cascading falls for the Esling Park water feature

After weeks of work on a complete revamp of the Esling Park pond and creek, Dave Morris is just now building in the pièce de résistance: the third tier of an elaborate waterfall feature that flows into the pond. Morris learned his trade in stone walls working beside his father and brother over the last decade, starting in...

The Trail Regional Airport: A legacy of volunteerism

The Trail Regional Airport (TRA) is fundamental to affordable and reliable air transportation in the Lower Columbia, and that is central to the area’s economic prospects, argued the airport’s chief volunteer Don Nutini and Mike Martin, the chair of the LCCDT—Lower Columbia Community Development Team—in recent interviews with the Rossland Telegraph. TRA is owned and […]

UN advisor returns to Kootenays from Rio with new hope for local solutions … and little faith in global ones

United Nations trade and climate change advisor Aaron Cosbey—a Rossland resident—attended the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and he was back again last week for the glitz, fanfare, and "complete failure" of the Rio +20 anniversary conference."It was a very predictable thing," Cosbey said, listing many reasons...

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