

COLUMN: values past and present, and the news

A mind in movement across space and time:  Part III Traveller Chaos, Column Coherence This month’s column is about travel, time, and identity. I have just returned from a four-week trip by car across the nation to Ontario and back. It is not the first such trip of my life; I have logged tens of thousands of miles since my...

Column: From the Hill -- Columbia River Treaty issues

Last week I spent three days in Spokane at the Pacific Northwest Economic Region meetings.  Over 600 legislators, business people, and other interested folks from BC, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon and Northwest Territories gathered to talk about issues important to this region....

COLUMN: the Future Isn't in Plastics

People in Canada discard about 57 million plastic drinking straws every day. In my hometown of Vancouver, we toss out 2.6 million disposable cups every week. It’s a global problem. Plastic products are choking landfills and waterways and causing devastation in the oceans. In 2014, scientists even found a new kind of stone in...

Editorial: Our Choice of Voting Systems -- Part Eight.

There are large, loud and expensive ads urging people to vote against Proportional Representation in this fall’s referendum.  Are the points made in those ads valid? As citizens, or even just as residents, we should all care deeply about how well our government serves the public interest.  We need to get it ...

COLUMN: A mind in movement across time and space -- Part II

A Traveller’s Chaos, A Writer’s Coherence This month’s column is about travel, time, and identity. I have just returned from a four-week trip by car across the nation to Ontario and back. It is not the first such trip of my life; I have logged tens of thousands of miles since my first cross-continent drive in 1973,  many of...

Column: From the Hill -- the Bus Service Problem

Greyhound’s announcement that it will be pulling all its routes out of western Canada at the end of October came as a surprise, and for many it was more serious news.  It left them wondering how they were going to travel to work sites, to visit relatives and friends, or to go to university in the fall.  For them, the bus isn’t...

Editorial: Our Choice of Voting Systems -- Part Seven: Extremism?

Why people defend FPTP and oppose Proportional Representation: There have been some frightening statements made about proportional representation, by a few people.  Why do they want to keep using First-Past-the-Post (FPTP)?  What are their reasons for opposing all of the three Pro-rep systems being offered in this fall’s...

Column: Warm Enough Yet?

Over the past few months, heat records have broken worldwide. In early July, the temperature in Ouargla, Algeria, reached 51.3 C, the highest ever recorded in Africa! Temperatures in the eastern and southwestern United States and southeastern Canada have also hit record highs. In Montreal, people sweltered under temperatures...

Opinion: Is it ever right for political leaders to defy court orders?

Former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ian Binnie said, “I think the recent popularity amongst political leaders denouncing judicial outcomes is extremely dangerous.”  He was referring to the fact that Green Party Member of Parliament (and party leader)  Elizabeth May and NDP Member of Parliament Kennedy Stewart defied a court...

A Mind in Movement Across Space and Time

“Travel broadens the mind.” “Einstein said Time isn’t really Real.”  -- James Taylor, Secret of Life A Traveller’s Chaos, A Writer’s Coherence This month’s column is about travel, time, and identity. I have just returned from a four-week trip by car across the nation to Ontario and back. It is not the first such trip of my ...

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