

Clarification: Striking Down of the Referendum Bylaw

Given the large circulation Mr. Carrel’s letter on the 2005 striking down of Rossland's referendum bylaw is currently experiencing, by email as well as through the medium of this newspaper, we thought it important to publish the following clarifying information, which comes directly from city archives. According to the minutes...

Editorial: How Many to Vote For?

It happens to me every three years, and it probably happens to you too. People come up to me around election time and say, “I really like candidates Tom, Dick, and Mary, but I don’t know much about the others—although I’ll never vote for that dastardly Brunhilde in a million years!” Then they pause and add, “But I don’t know...

Letter to the Editor: Improving Council's Communications With Residents

Dear Editor, During the all candidates forum, most folks at the front had something to say about improving council's communications with residents. I would like to suggest the debate surrounding the future development in Pinewood would be a good example of where council could start being proactive in their outreach. While...

Letter to the Editor: Pinewood

The great thing about democracy is the freedom and ability to voice one's opinion. Sometimes that opinion is not appreciated by others as it flies in the face of what they perceive as right; and subsequently people feel threatened. The potential development between Pinewood and Happy Valley is a case in point. The reality is...

Editorial: The Reason There’s Only A One Letter Difference Between ‘Civic’ and ‘Civil’

The big Canadian election is over now, but the important one is still to come. Here in Rossland, on November 15. At least that’s how I see it. We live in a world that’s all too often a top-down affair. Big media and big business impose their agendas on us without a thought for anything but their bottom lines. Big politics, ...

Editorial: Kirkup’s Truncheon

In the world of the sound byte, we may be in danger of losing the meaning of the words ‘argument’ and ‘debate’. The fashion nowadays is for either side in a dispute to stand alone on a (Red) mountain top and loudly declaim the virtues of their own perspective while simultaneously damning their opponents as pathetic, benighted...

Guest Editorial: Re-Zoning Not the Answer to Rossland's Water Woes

In the October, 2008 City Hall News, the need to re-zone an area of Topping Creek within the Creekside at Red development was identified. Under the current zone designation of “Open Space” (OS-1), there is no stipulation for a minimum development set-back from the creek. The planning department noticed that the present zoning...

We Have Seen the Future and it is Paperless

Here are the facts. The average North American consumes about 120 pounds of paper each year. Rosslanders consume close to a half a million pounds of paper per year: 240 tons of paper and newsprint. If that sounds bad, then hold onto your cardboard coffee cup. It gets worse. Here's a list of the resources that go into our 240...

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