

Rossland Lions Club once again supports local groups in their fundraising efforts

This week, Bruce Aldorfer presented a cheque for $250 to Camille Craig for the RSS Drama Club on behalf of the Rossland Lions Club. The students head to London England during spring break for a trip of a life time.While in London, the students will be taking in theater workshops, Les Miserables, museums, Camden Market and...

Fake fire at RSS

 When you hang around the school after the actual school day is done, you're bound to witness something happen! But it's usually not as... full of excitement as today. I was staying after school with some other students and Mr Vanness working on a new art project; as we were leaving the room, we saw students from the drama ...

Macleans kids find fun–not fear–in math

It's surprising, when you stop to think about it, how many ordinary activities involve a little math. And how many otherwise competent adults quake with fear or frustration when confronted with numbers. For many, that's a pattern set in childhood, so early learning efforts hosted by School District 20 follow an easy formula:...

Museum muses about future

For many, the Golden City's undeniable appeal stems not only from the soft white stuff atop the local mountains, but also the hard minerals that once lay below. Today's Rossland is a place measurably enriched by history, with an appealing heritage core and existing economic profile that can both be credited largely to a...

I fought the law and the law won: Big John Kirkup replaces “Miner’s Law” with “Kirkup’s Law”

By 1896, Rossland was considered a cosmopolitan town, a “premiere camp”, and it had a reputation as being a fairly orderly place despite all the riffraff who were flowing in from all over. There were dozens of saloons and Sourdough Alley was a hub of debauchery, gambling, and prostitution, but incidents of violent crime were...

LETTER: Does the $6M bill for infrastructure upgrade benefit developers? Will it ruin The Mountain Kingdom?

Dear editor,At a City of Rossland financial planning meeting late last year, I asked questions about the justification for the Columbia/Washington infrastructure upgrade project. After a few vague and unqualified answers about the need to replace 100-year-old infrastructure, further discussion was cut off on the grounds that...

Engineering to begin on Columbia/ Washington streets and sewer project

The city now has approval in hand to proceed with at least the first stage – an engineering assessment – of the Columbia Avenue/ Washington streets and sewer project.   Council voted Monday night to authorize administrator Victor Kumar to spend up to $250,000 on an official engineering assessment of the state of the “sub-surface...

City looks to collaborate with province on lowering Columbia Ave. speed limit.

One of the realities for many small cities and towns in rural BC is that often our main streets also function as provincial highways--as is the case with Columbia Street in Rossland. While those highways do bring economic spinoffs in the form of traffic, they also--as Rosslanders well know--bring the less desirable realities...

Go it alone, or tackle it regionally? City to consider rejoining regional Emergency Operations Centre

By now we’re all familiar with the longstanding political disputes between Rossland and Trail. Be it sewer or recreation, the ability between the two political bodies to cooperate has been one of great contention, particularly in recent years. One more item can be added to that list: Emergency Operations Centres and plans. ...

EDITORIAL: The value of community

Thanks to my ever buzzing, beeping and chirping Blackberry and a demanding, self-set work schedule whose margins seem to expand daily, I tend to be a person who is rarely late for appointments. Since arriving in Rossland, however, there has been a new syndrome (I’ve yet to come up with an official name for it) that seems to...

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