

Midway mill logs top billing

The Boundary Sawmill start-up took top marks last week as community project of the year at the B.C. Economic Summit. The Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) and BC Hydro announced the winners of the 2012 BC Economic Development Awards at the banquet held Tuesday, May 15, in Richmond, B.C. Mayor Randy Kappes was on...

Lake local takes a spike at national team

Volleyball is as much apart of Ashley Christman as her arms and her legs. It also helps that she's built for the sport, standing at six feet tall (1.83 meters), can jump touch 10' 3" ( 3.12 meters), spin serve at 85 kilometers (kms) an hour and spike at 90 kms an hour. She's been playing the game since she was a small child...

Modernizing technology for women's health

If you could ensure women in the Kootenay Boundary access to mammography with less radiation, better results and the capacity for non-surgical biopsies would you even question the potential? It’s a clear win situation for the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Foundation in their quest to purchase digital mammogram equipment....

Got bats in your Koots?

The successful Kootenay Community Bat Project (KCBP) is gearing up for another year of identifying local bat species, providing educational programs and workshops, and assisting landowners with bat issues. Of the sixteen species of bats in BC, half of them are considered vulnerable or threatened and an additional species, the...

Atamanenko Concerned About Proposed Changes to Meat Inspection Regulations

New Democrat MP, Alex Atamanenko (BC southern Interior) is appalled by the reckless changes to Meat Inspection Regulations (MIR) being proposed by the Conservative government that will leave Canadians wondering if the meat they buy is actually safe. Private inspectors, who may not be qualified, would now be able to inspect ...

The need for speed: CBT's broadband corporation brings hyper-fast Internet to the Basin

For $1250 per month Rossland could hold the reins to a municipal Internet utility that connects to a world class, open access, fibre optic network that clocks stratospheric speeds, said Mark Halwa, chief operating officer of the Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation (CBBC), to a group that gathered at the Chamber of Commerce...

Lower Columbia housing woes addressed in ten year plan

Two years of work by volunteers, funders, and a consultant have recently culminated in the release of the "attainable housing needs assessment" (pdf) and the "strategic planning project,"(pdf) by the Attainable Housing Committee of the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team). The documents lay out a ten-year path ...

Parcel tax review panel ready to roll as hike in water tax is deferred until 2013

Complaints against the parcel taxes Rossland levies on certain properties will be heard by the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel next Wednesday, May 23, at noon, at City Hall. Last week council appointed Coun. Jody Blomme, Coun. Kathy Wallace, and Mayor Greg Granstrom to serve on the review panel. Property owners who feel a parcel...

Bush, aides convicted of Iraq war crimes in absentia by Malaysia

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former President of the United States George W. Bush and seven prominent former colleagues guilty of war crimes. Though the tribunal has no authority to detain the convicted or enforce its verdict, it recommended payment of reparations to detainees from Guantanamo Bay...

COMMENT: TRIUMF Lab helps make case for electoral finance reform

Who would ever have thought that a single political donor could have disclosed so much about the sorry state of affairs surrounding money and politics in B.C. In what they now call a “learning experience,” TRIUMF – Canada's nuclear physics laboratory located at the University of British Columbia – finally acknowledged last ...

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