MakerMobile in Rossland! One Day Only -- July 6
What is the MakerMobile? There’s a website, and this is what it says:
“MakerMobile is a travelling classroom, hackspace, workshop, art studio and laboratory. Our goal is to explore the endless possibilities of imagination and creativity by engaging young people in hands-on projects and workshops exploring art, crafts, engineering and technology (sometimes all at the same time!)
MakerMobile is a social venture started by four teachers who want to share their love for building creative projects and get young people involved in Vancouver’s maker community.
We have transformed a humble truck into the MakerMobile!”
Worth checking out. Rosslanders can check it out on Thursday, July 6, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Library Director Beverley Rintoul says, “Folk can drop in and learn about Squishy Circuits, DrawBot, MaKey MaKey, Raspberry Pi , Geodesic Domes, Pop Bottle Racers and who knows what else!”
This stop is not, at time of publication, shown on the MakerMobile website’s list of stops on its tour of BC. Your editor assumes it was arranged specially by the Rossland Public Library, which is, of course, where you’ll find it on Thursday — parked out front.