Out with the old 'Sunspot', in with the new 'Sunspot'
Hikers, snowshoers, back-country skiers and other users of the northern-most section of the Seven Summits Trail — take note: the old “Sunspot” cabin is no more. But rejoice — a new one is being built.
Construction has begun on the new “Sunspot” day-use shelter, replacing the dusty and packrat-infested old “Sunspot”. The new site has an expansive view and more sunshine than the old one, and the new building will feature a door painted by local artist Louise Drescher. For a view of that, check The Rossland Telegraph Facebook Page. Thank the same people who brought the statue of Olaus Jeldness to the corner of Columbia and Washington for the new Sunspot — and its door, when it’s complete.
The name of the “Sunspot” hut will remain the same, though the location has shifted a bit, in honor of Booty Griffiths, who named the original structure.
The love that recreationists from near and far hold for the area now dedicated as the Rossland Range Recreation Site is made clear by the many big donations of time and effort by volunteers, and by impressive donations of money by so many people toward the construction of beautiful new shelters.
Another shelter now being built is “Chimo” cabin, near the location of the former “Rock’n’Roll.” For more details on that and other work going on in the recreation site now, visit Friends of the Rosslasnd Range at www.rosslandrange.org. A fresh newsletter has been posted there.