Castlegar fire ban in effect now
Due to the very dry weather conditions, the City of Castlegar is implementing a prohibition on all outdoor burning effective July 6 (today) until further notice. This prohibition includes backyard campfires and fireworks.
Deputy fire chief Sam Lattanzio said conditions within the city (as well as the rest of the province) are tinder-dry and dangerous.
“We’re not trying to be the grinches who stole your summer campfire or weenie roast,” he said. “Accidents can happen so easily – it only takes one spark landing in some dry grass or leaves, and we have a very serious problem.
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
For further information, please contact the firehall at 250-365-3266.
Outside the city limits, there is already a fire ban in effect throughout the Southeast Fire region, in what some have predicted will be the worst wildfire season in recent memory.