
Trail to host Little League Provincials this summer

By Contributor
January 12th, 2014

BC Little League has awarded Trail the 2014 Provincial Championships for the 9-10 year old division.  The Tournament will run from July 12th to July 19th and all games will be played at Andy Bilesky Memorial Park.

The tournament will see up to 7 Districts represented from across BC, including the host team from Trail.  The Trail All Star Team will be selected from 9 and 10 year old players from Trail, Beaver Valley, Rossland, Castlegar, Nelson, and Grand Forks. 

 “We are very excited for the opportunity to host these Provincials.  It is not just about putting on yet another great sporting event, it is a chance to show off the excellent facilities, parks and businesses in the Greater Trail area.

Any time you get the chance to bring people and attention to our city, I think you should jump at it. We have excellent facilities and parks, and the people and businesses always step up to welcome visitors.

Trail hosted the Provincials for the 11-12 year olds a couple of years ago, and they put on such a great event, that BC Little League didn’t hesitate to give us the opportunity again. 

I think it will be a great week for the kids and the families, and I hope that we can generate a lot of support from the community to put on a first class event,” said Keith DeWitt, Tournament Co-Chair.

The Trail Minor Baseball Tournament Committee will be looking for volunteers to help with the planning and running of the tournament.

Sponsors will also be needed to help raise funds for maintenance to the ballpark, signage, programs, souvenirs, a welcome banquet, and an opening ceremonies. Development practices for ball players will begin in March, with tryouts and selection of the All Star Team to be completed in June.

If you would like more information about the 2014 BC Little League Provincial Championships, or would like to get involved as a sponsor or a tournament volunteer, please contact Keith DeWitt at 250-231-8187, or check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MinorLittleLeagueProvincials.  

You can also get more information on Little League Baseball in BC at www.bclittleleague.bc.caor on Little League Baseball in Trail at  www.traillittleleague.ca.

This post was syndicated from https://trailchampion.com
Categories: GeneralSports