
LETTER: Rossland needs curlers!

By Contributor
October 23rd, 2012

Dear editor,

Our gorgeous long fall has kept our mind from winter sports, but the curling season is just around the corner.  The Rossland Curling Clubs are looking for new or experienced curlers for all evenings.

Curling is a fun and inexpensive, social winter sport.  For less than $150 you get over 15 games from November through March.  The equipment is as simple as a pair of very clean shoes and a used curling broom, but a new broom and your own slider can be purchased at local stores for about $60.

The game is much safer now than in the past, with the use of two grippy feet while on the ice – no more racing after the rock while trying to slide along on one foot!  Most players jog alongside the rock while sweeping, their feet securely under them.

The Rossland Ladies Curling Club is sponsoring a free Learn-to-Curl on Sunday, November 4th from 10 am to noon at the Curling Club off 2nd Avenue at Spokane Street.  Anyone interested in learning what the game is about is welcome to come; please bring clean, inside only shoes with you.  Experienced curlers are welcome as well, if only to warm up your skills for the new season.  Call Natalie at 362-7606 for more information.

All of the Rossland Curling Clubs are willing to place individual curlers on a team, or whole rinks can be brought into the club.  Curling days and contact names:

Thursday Men’s Club – November 1st, 7 PM.  Contact Rob Darrah 250-362-5669

Mixed Club – Friday, November 2nd, 7:30 PM.  Contact Shane Preedy 250-362-7006

Ladies Club – Monday, November 5th, 7 PM.  Contact Celia Gresley-Jones 250-362-5152

Tuesday Men’s Club – November 6th, 7 PM.  Contact Rob Darrah 250-362-5669


Cheryl Darrah

Secretary, Rossland Curling Association

Categories: GeneralLetters