

October 2nd, 2012


Public Invited to Brainstorming and Info Session for Rossland Museum

Renowned Museum Expert to Speak

What will Rossland’s Museum look like in the next few years? What displays, stories and themes will attract an expanded clientele? What will its role be in the community?

Since last year, a group of Rossland residents has been exploring exciting options for the future of the museum. Now they want to hear from you through two public brainstorming sessions and a public survey. The public sessions are scheduled for the afternoon (1-3 pm) and the evening (7-9 pm) of Thursday, October 11th at the museum itself.

“We see this as an exciting process to identify opportunities for a hugely important community asset,” says Mayor Greg Granstrom, a member of the Rossland Museum Gateway Project Committee. “The sessions will bring residents up to date on what’s been happening since the permanent closure of the Adit, allow them to hear from renowned museum expert Wayne Wilson, and solicit ideas for moving forward for an improved museum and heritage site.”

Residents are also encouraged to share their ideas and opinions via a short on-line survey below. The most promising ideas and concepts will be considered as part of the overall development plan.

The museum will be open 30 minutes before each public session for guided tours. Light refreshments will also be served at the sessions.

Attendees of the public sessions and those filling out the on-line survey will be eligible for double Red Mountain Resort day pass draw prizes.

The Museum Gateway Project Committee includes representatives from the City of Rossland, the Rossland Museum and Archive Society, Tourism Rossland, Teck Trail Operations and other organizations.

For more information contact:

Greg Granstrom
Mayor, City of Rossland

Please take time to fill out the ONLINE SURVEY.