
Kokanee and Selkirk Rock Clubs host show later this month in Castlegar

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 7th, 2012

Mark June 23-24 down on the calendar as the Kokanee and Selkirk Rock Clubs host the Kootenay, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show in Castlegar.

There will be plenty of displays featuring  Gems, Crystals, Minerals Geode Cutting, Fossils, Jewellery Lapidary Supplies, Dealers Displays Demonstrations, Gold Panning and Rock Tumbling.

The show runs Saturday (June 23) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday (June 24) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Castlegar and District Community Complex.

Admission is $4 for adults while children 12-and-under are $2.

Organizers invited the public to bring a mystery rock and Selkirk College an help identify it.

Bring your Mystery Rock and Selkirk College will help you identify it!
