
Man suffers bear attack while lounging in hot tub

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
June 4th, 2012

A Coquitlam man was taken to hospital after being attacked by a bear yesterday, according to police S/Sgt. Steve LeClair.


“On June 3 at 2:56 pm, Whistler RCMP were notified of a bear attack that occurred in the 4800 block of Casabella Crescent in Whistler,” said LeClair. “A 55-year-old Coquitlam male was relaxing in a backyard hot tub with his back to the forest.


“He felt a heavy blow to the back of his head which propelled him forward in the hot tub. He turned around and found himself face-to-face with a black bear. He yelled at the bear and retreated inside the home.


LeClair said police found the bear about 100 meters away, as it walked into a wooded area. The bear was destroyed.


“The bear was a healthy, mature male, and the reason for the attack is unknown,” LeClair edded. “The Conservation Officers Service is investigating the incident. A necropsy will be performed on the bear in an attempt to determine the motivation for the attack.”


The man was treated at the Whistler Health Care Center for lacerations to the back of his head.

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