TWO IMPORTANT MEETINGS on the future of education in Rossland!
The Neighbourhoods of Learning community meeting will take place Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the RSS Gym. Two principals and a parent from Kaslo and Crawford Bay K-12 schools will be at the meeting to help us understand how their schools work and the opportunities and benefits of a K-12 school. We will also address questions about the proposal sent to the school board. Babysitting will be available during the meeting.
The school board’s Planning for the Future Focus Group Meeting for Rossland takes place the next night, Wednesday, March 2, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. in the RSS gym. It is very important that as many people attend this meeting and be informed and prepared to engage in a discussion with Trustees and school district staff. The school district is ready and willing to work with us and to hear what Rossland would like to see for the educational future of the students in the Rossland community and the rest of the district.
With all the attention and momentum that is now focused on our schools, it is imperative that we as a community stand together and ensure our children’s education stays in Rossland for the long-term, and that we end the debate once and for all. The meetings are being held two nights in a row, which is a heavy schedule, but it is imperative that as many Rosslanders as possible attend both of these meetings.
Please mark these important dates in your calendar!